The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Here's how we lose next time

In early October a couple of promising Democratic senatorial candidates will be Frankenized. Attractive young employees of, say, the LA Times or CNN will reveal the titillating details of past "harassment" by them. The employers feeling obliged to "Charlie Rose" the claims lest they be charged with suppressing politically damaging news--will lead with them. Including photos.

The headlines will be repeated everywhere. Paragraphs 4 to 6 cautioning about the danger of unsupported claims, won't be.

Rehire the harassers

and assist * their victims to sue them , if they want. If they don't want , end of story.

The proper response to a claim of  harassment-or anything - is an orderly legal process. Not a do-it-yourself trial convened in the board room  by the CEO or the head of HR.

We've been down this path before of course. Many times . Most prominently  in  the 1950's blacklist a gratefully welcomed gift to Hollywood which got a lot excellent scripts at bargain prices from blacklisted writers using assumed names.

Don't throw away your

confederate dollars. The South Will Rise Again.

 Let's see

o only 15% of white Alabama males voted for Obama

o Roy Moore rides a horse to the polls.One horse;two horses assesses. 

o There was majority support for his posting  the 10 commandments in a court room

o And of his hostility to gays

Don't go Al

Franken should assume all the accusations are honest and should  call each of the women  and apologize.  Some one -not his wife- should be  present  listening which he should tell each of the woman at the beginning  of the call.

No recording of course.

He shouldn't announce he's doing it. Just do it. Telling them  he d prefer them not to publicize the call but that was up to them.

And then get on with the rest of his life. In the Senate.




Trial by headline

Roy Moore, Al Franken, Bill O'Reilly ,Charlie Rose ,John Conyers etc. etc. are guilty of the crime of being accused of sexual harassment. 

And Giles Corey was found guilty of being a witch and pressed to death...oh that was in  17th century Salem.

Utah Senator Lee says

Having read the detailed description of the incidents, as well as the response from Judge Moore and his campaign, I can no longer endorse his candidacy for the US Senate.



Of Donna,the DNC and the usual suspects

5.7      9.8

5.8      9.1

5.7      8.3

5.3      8.0

4.7      6.6

4.6      5.7

5.0      4.9

5.2      4.8

"Now what? "You say. "What are these numbers Flavius has inflicted us?"

Okay, okay. If you suspend for a moment the ever popular pursuit of blaming the DNC, or Bernie, Or Comey's last minute pursuit of a Manhattan pervert (tautological?). I'll explain.

They're unemployment %s. Left column George W's annual numbers for his eight years. Right, Obama's

Don't impeach Trump

We should make sure he is dealing with a democratic congress for his last two years. That's up to us.

But impeachment is wrong  in principle-the person whom most of the people chose should serve and  if -as this time- that's not the case change the system. By a defect in the laws Trump occupies Hillary's office, so be it. It should be only 4 years, That's up to us.

"The question is"

said Alice "whether you can make words mean so many different things". "The question is " said Humpty Dumpty " which is to be master-that's all."

Another question is  how many members of the National Rapid Fire Murderous Weapon Association actually have the slightest desire to pull of the trigger of one. As opposed to those who want to show "which is to be master-that's all"..

But in the spirit of outreach and good fellowship which I go on and on about at interminable length at every opportunity I have a modest suggestion. 


  If I  had adolescents in the house I'd make sure they didn't see me reading Dagblog. A bad example.

The slanging match between Hal and a cohort of his opponents is wrong and should stop. It's not "robust" it's beneath us. Hal put his money where his mouth was-went to New Hampshire to try to help Bernie. Fine. That's what we should all do,chose the least undesirable candidate and work for her/him. Afterwards he voted for Hill, as did Bernie. Since then he's gone on a bit to much for my taste but IMHO that's because he's embittered by the violence with which he's attacked.


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