The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Pittsburgh, Pipe bombs , Caravan & Nov 5

Take things in order.

o Call your best Jewish friend this morning  to say you're sorry.

o Re this week's victim of Trump's endless  incitement for violence from which he is immune. No need to raise it If  asked , what he tried hasn't worked , let's try something that might.

o And the Caravan . The Caravan! 

It's not going to get here till Dec. You know that If Trump had wanted, knew how to , he would have dealt with it already. He didn't

Trump's not behind the pipe bombs

Say after me . And repeat it if asked. Or not.

"Trump had nothing to do with the pipe bombs

Two reasons: It's true and it's good politics. 

Let's skip to the second. The attack will  be of some benefit of our  net margin. At least to the extent that

some republicans won't vote against us. Maybe go fishing.Good.

If we get some benefit without asking that's good  old American fair minded action by our good old Republican friends.

I'm too tired to continue so I'll post this.And really strongly remind you to say tomorrow

538 daily forecasts Friday am


Chance of winning              

Fair treatment for Republican

women who are raped, Also.

Imagine , something  that united us all. Because we all want to deal with rape.And the current system doesn't. Because in the vast majority of cases  punishing  a perpetrator needs  "corroboration". To avoid the "he said, she said" dead end.

And in that vast majority  needing  corroboration,  means "yawn"..Doesn't happen.

Tell me about the rabbits again


Let's see

The senate is supposed to advise and consent

They're supposed to investigate instead of calling on the FBI

Dr. Ford was a credible witness

And  said a juvenile drunken Kavanaugh attempted to rape her

BTW he likes a beer

But the  democrats asked the nominee whether he tried to rape Dr. Ford  

That was outrageous of them  

And must have been caused by the Clintons

Now about those rabbits........


(I added a sentence-Flav)


I love ya honey

but cut the cards.

We're wrong to scorn all our  opponents .On any issue.

  Some maybe.Not all .

There are  right -to- lifers (I'm not) who  support:single payer,.,great mixed public,  schools,  and  labor's right to organize. And joined the rest of the country in believing Dr. Blasey Ford .

Then celebrated yesterday for Brett. .

There are defenders of the police (I'm not. ) who brilliantly advocate for the handicapped.

And all the above might vote right in November . Or not.

Let's call a

spade a spade shall we?  He’s a rapist. End of story. Really everyone looking at the screen last Thursday learned that. Maybe suited them not to use the word , so be it. Didn’t change the underlying reality.

Even dear old David  Brooks.

An offer she refused

In proposing the terms  for Dr. Ford's appearance , my guess  is Grasley's  goal was to make her so unsatisfactory an offer that  she'd refuse . He did, but she foiled him by agreeing

I expect her team's minimum objective was that the dems  do their own questioning. And that's  the deal.
I' m not worried by the choice of the Arizona prosecutor. Yes she'll lob softballs to Kavanaugh and attempt to trick Dr. Ford. But this means none of  the loud mouth Reps will be questioning Dr. Ford so she won't lose her composure which would have somewhat undercut her testimony.

Deborah Ramirez

I'm forcing myself to write this.

The Ramirez allegation-which I completely believe btw- is itself not grounds to prevents approval.

He behaved in a disgusting manner.  People  sometimes do .18 year old freshman more apt  than many others. Putting aside whether it should be  accepted as evidence  of a disqualifying attitude towards women the event itself was  drunken tawdry and disgraceful. Did I behave disgracefully before I was 20? Don't ask. Did you?

Dr. Ford should say "Yes."

sometime over the weekend.. On whatever terms Atty Katz has been able to obtain by then. 

But only after  Katz first  reveal's the Committee's proposed terms , and  the changes  Ford  requests  , while  saying  she will accept the  Committee's  terms if confirmed  by a majority of the Committee.

Between now and  her Committee  appearance she should be thoroughly  trained. As  Kavanaugh has already been, With "mock" sessions  video'd ,critiqued and repeated as necessary,


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