The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

jollyroger's picture

Gingrich: The campaign begins anew Sunday--Thelma and Louise have signed on to drive the bus...

Many of us on the left used to grind our teeth at the frequency with which Newtie (hey, that's what his mama used to call him...) was invited to the sunday morning TV follies.  That is, until he self-destructed ("Anyone who quotes me is stating a falsehood..."  Huh?) after rashly speaking the truth about Ryan's kill-Medicare budget.

jollyroger's picture

Prez: Debt bargain in December? Nah, I'm dumb as a fuckin' stump--don't blame me for current (kabuki) coming train wreck...

As we have so many times before, we find ourselves obliged to believe that Prez simply could not foresee the logical outcome of his actions.

This time, the drama requires suspension of disbelief that beggars the imagination.

Only months before having to crawl to the new repugnant majority for borrowing authority to fill a void largely resulting from the predictable outcome of their tax cutting demands, Obama studiously avoided requiring, as a reasonable quid  pro quo, that they raise the debt ceiling a commensurate amount back then.

jollyroger's picture

Schumer: "Leave the bankies alooone...."

Who will stand up for the vampire squid?  Who will speak for the scumsuckers who prey upon the life of the people?  Who could possibly defend the corrupt, thieving, rapacious parasites who brought the economy of the nation to its knees?

Fighting to free the investment banks from the (pitifully small) constraints that is Dodd-Frank, a hero emerges from among the hundred senators....It's Banksterman, and his sidekick Kristen G.

"You punish the banks, you punish us all..."

jollyroger's picture

Prez fixin' to make his bones with Ghaddafi. It ain't "R2P", it's "Better listen to me..."

As the obvious makes itself manifest even to the dimwits at the NY Times, can we help marvelling at the seductive power of the whisper heard in every presidential ear "You are the most powerful man in the world--rulers that don't kiss your ass may not be rulers for long, if you feel twitchy..."

jollyroger's picture

It's Hochul!

News 970 (public radio) outta Buffalo says Hochul has won.

Can you feel the earth shifting?

jollyroger's picture

Prez to taxpayers:"Make my cash problem your friend--Crazy Barry's pay one year, get two, tax bonanza.."

In the ongoing series, Things Prez Can Do On His Own, a prospective amnesty from the Director of Internal Revenue:  If you prepay your 2011 tax (due April 2012) now we'll double it, and carry the extra into your 2012 tax bill.

Provided you filed this year showing less than 100k agi.


jollyroger's picture

Paks to prez: get yourself a new bitch, you terrorist scumbag.

Fed up with drone attacks that (per our government statements) kill only "suspected militants" regardless of the age or sex of those incinerated, the hitherto complaisant guardians of our supply routes across the Durand Line finally declare that they have had enough.

Personally, I applaud them for doing only what we would if random missile strikes were periodically raining down hellfire (not just a metaphor) on guilty and innocent alike with no discrimination.

jollyroger's picture

Prez to Repugnant Reps & Senators: As Commander in Chief, I gotta lay off some ya like me now?

Returning to the alternative universe in which Obama has balls, we find the following:

Since a US default would be catastropic, and Prez has independent control only of the military, he announces the closure of all bases in Repugnant represented states and congressional districts, so that the necessary cash may be re-directed to default prevention pending raise of debt ceiling.

jollyroger's picture

The kryptonite broke neck rehab motivation haiku

Spring's therapists.  Each

Cuter than the law allows


jollyroger's picture

Arise, ye (Icelandic) prisoners of starvation!

Showing more sense then their American counterparts, the voters of Iceland, purportedly staring in the face a $6,000/person personal hit, are touted to nix the volunteer victim program.

With Ireland roiled and the Greeks in the street, a government fallen in  Portugal, how long before the Euro explodes like Glen Beck's head when Fox fired him?


Class war, y'all.


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