The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

jollyroger's picture

Free the junkies! Free all the junkies! Let all God's junkies go free! Ron Paul in 2012

I have become a "one-issue" voter.  (well, actually, three issues: No drug prohibition, no imperial adventures, no surveillance state)

As Glenn Greenwald convincingly sets forth, that makes me a Ron Paul voter.

Will I like returning to the gold standard?  Probably not too much, but at least I won't be shoveling money down Goldman Sachs gaping maw if it turns out that way.

jollyroger's picture


     Thanks, Roberts Court.  Thought you were just empowering the Koch Brothers and Dick Armey with Citizens United?

     Think again, assholes.

     How are you gonna like it when the Peoples' Liberation Army PAC starts spending money throwing monkey wrenches into elections at every level from school board on up?

     This dystopian view is detailed in all its terrifying horror by McCamy Taylor at Democratic Underground (h/t Yves Smith for link).

jollyroger's picture

Jack's Rules of the Road

Back story:  Around the time Jerry Cimino was founding the Beat Museum, I was urging him to go beyond a simple non-profit and found a church, arguing that when you live in a Christian theocracy, it pays to be a Christian Church.

jollyroger's picture

Is there such a thing as a sincere, well informed, non-venal Republican?

As consternation sweeps the ranks of Dems in the wake of Wisconsin, and as a back and forth rages on these pages over the prospect of Obama's next campaign, a subtext that may bear some examination is the appropriate frame within which to view the voters who pull a lever adjoining the letter "R"

I should at the outset, for purposes of candor, state the premise I bring to this question.

It seems to me that if you have an annual income below $250k you are a deluded moron to vote Repugnant.

jollyroger's picture

Standard & Poor to Prez: "How ya like us now, chump?"

There's just no way Prez can win for losing.

He abases himself beyond all measure before the austerity gods, he does his "family around the kitchen table" schtick, he promises to shove it directly up the ass of the poor and retired, and what does he get?

All they say is "sorry, buddy, no dime for you..."

jollyroger's picture

We interrupt this revolution for a brief (80yr) message from FDR--Now back to our originally scheduled programming

DISCLAIMER: Casting about during a cash short period, I volunteered ($450) to have a PET scan as a control for an experiment involving serotonin receptor efficiency as it varies with depressive susceptibility.  Turns out that I am pathologically optimistic (150% of normal number of receptors).

I share this bit of personal data so you will know that my analyses are profoundly tainted by the same sort of strategic defects that led Napoleon to invade Russia and Alexander to try and conquer Afghanistan.

jollyroger's picture

Hear the whine, feel the rage, pull the lever: Anyone but Obama (One post partisan speech too many...)

As I struggled to hold down the contents of my stomach which churned and threatened projectile vomiting that would do any indwelling demon proud, I wished  (not for the first time, nor I fear the last) that Hillary had been just a little better at running her campaign.

jollyroger's picture

Dollar Daze-Bill Gross (PIMCO) to Wolfie, Miguelito:"Gotta spare room, homies?"

Signaling the accelerating skid of the evil empire (that would be us...), the big kahuna of bond managers is getting out of dollars and into four different currencies.

It will not surprise that hard upon the heels of  Incurious George's Excellent Mideast Adventure, the suicidal lemming rush of the  Teabaggers and their Repugnant allies is making what was once a reserve currency par excellence something of a faded glory.

jollyroger's picture

Debt Limit: Follow the Money: Fed lends bank 100 B @ .25%. Bank buys 10 yr bonds @3% Holds bonds lends hedge 500 B @ 3.5%Hedge buys 30 yr's @ 4% Treas uses 500 B to pay Fan/Freddie losses to.....Banks

Talk about *"getting paid off the top and the bottom"

Let's walk through this in some more detail, because the caption leaves out the really good part at the end, where the banks evict us from the homes on which they are being made whole by our moneyl

And they charge us big "servicing" fees to throw us on the street.


TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
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Reader blogIs there such a thing as a sincere, well informed, non-venal Republican? jollyroger5811 years 1 month ago
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Reader blogGetting value for your criminal defense dollar--when a million dollar lawyer lays down and dies jollyroger411 years 1 month ago
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Blog entryRepublicans Vote to Keep Folks Hungry and Sick and Their Base Loves It. The Rest of Civilization is Appalled. Ramona4611 years 3 months ago
Reader blogRooting for radiation; Praying for poison jollyroger1111 years 3 months ago
