The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Ramona's picture

Color This Purple - And Keep it Away From Children

I have to say that even though I think using a coloring book that includes a drawing of the Twin Towers going up in flames as a tool to ease kid's fears about the crumbling world around them is...
Ramona's picture

Blogorama: Of Free Speech and Miracles

When I first started writing, there was no internet and thus no blogging, and thus no everyday opportunity to opinionate--or bloviate, as the case may be. If we were lucky, our opinions would be published in our local newspaper's...
Ramona's picture

How to Use TPM: Is there a tutorial somewhere?

I've posted several blog posts here in the past month but I'm still really confused about the workings of this site.For example, I'm sure there's a logical explanation for why some posts stay on the front pages without many comments...
Ramona's picture

The Myth of the 2nd Amendment: Shoot the damn thing already!

The National Rifle Association, with their blind devotion to a lawless gun culture, has become the enemy as surely as if they were standing on our borders passing out heavy artillery to anyone with cash in hand. Their members--millions strong--are constantly, incessantly, being bombarded with dangerous faulty logic. They defend the supposed Second Amendment "right" to bear arms without feeling any accompanying obligation to defend the rights of the society in which they live.
Ramona's picture

Dr. B to the Super Rich: When will you be rich enough?

"There is a growing anger in this country," Dr B said, "a growing sense of resentment. There is a feeling of fundamental unfairness. . .We saw a list of people who have made more than a billion dollars in one year. A billion is a thousand million. Can you imagine making more than a thousand million a year? And how were most of those funds made? They didn't make them by creating new jobs, building new factories, making new technological innovations which then cumulatively enriched America. They made it by complex financial transactions which few people understand. Which, in effect, just sort of swooshed off money into private pockets. . .It's almost like a huge national ponzi scheme."
Ramona's picture

Watch Out for Big Business Watching Out for You

So a recession isn't a good time to be talking about forming unions. How about when times were good and Big Business was raking in the dough? When CEOs and COOS and stockholders were sitting on their satin cushions singing the praises of Free Market capitalism? When American jobs were being outsourced to third world countries, paying the lowest possible wages so that profits could go toward living the lavish life and not toward anything as mundane as sharing? Could they talk about forming unions then?
Ramona's picture

Obama, It's Krugman. Please Pick Up

I don't see the tunnel, I see the light at the end. If there's a rainbow in the sky, I'll look past the dark clouds and find it. Pollyanna and I are BFFs, for God's sake. But when I see a Nobel-laureate in Economics practically self-immolating on the White House lawn in order to be heard, I'm not just scared, I'm petrified.
Ramona's picture

Shades of Dr. Phil! Pop Psych at HuffPo, and AIG is the patient

Today is Sunday and I started my day by reading Frank Rich, Maureen Dowd, and Tom Friedman. They all talked about AIG and the current money crisis, and I have to say--the wheelings and dealings and sheer dollar amounts are...
Ramona's picture

There's Chutzpah and Then There's A.I.G

This is what happens when you treat corporations like royalty. They actually begin to think they're entitled. And why not? The leaders of the land are their humble servants, and the rest of us are out there in the latrines with slop buckets.
Ramona's picture

Is a Blog really a Blog if you're talking to yourself?

Thanks so much for commenting on my first blog piece.  I'll try and get back here more often!  I've been busy with my blog, but I'm really terrible at promoting.  My grandson put this piece on Fark and from there...


TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
LinkGenius 13 year old has Solar Power breakthrough Ramona713 years 4 months ago
Reader blogMore haikus for another Friday afternoon MrSmith12713 years 4 months ago
CreativeHOW TO WRITE GOOD! Richard Day513 years 4 months ago
Blog entryDividing My Books Doctor Cleveland5113 years 4 months ago
Reader blogKeep it quiet, a Democratic victory Flavius313 years 4 months ago
LinkVitriol Bruce Levine513 years 4 months ago
Blog entryPolitical Tiddly-Winks in Iowa. The Corn Dog Won Ramona313 years 4 months ago
LinkPSYCHOTIC BACHMANN WINS STRAW POLL IN IOWA Richard Day1013 years 4 months ago
Blog entryFRIDAY FOLLIES: Bachmann's look, Mitt's People, and the Artistry of the All-seeing Blind. Ramona513 years 4 months ago
Blog entryWelcome to the Republican Christian Olympics Michael Wolraich2713 years 4 months ago
Reader blogWill the Obamabots now finally admit he's not worth re-electing? If not, are they really okay with cutting Medicare to fund endless, illegal wars? oleeb8513 years 4 months ago
Blog entryPoor Old Detroit: Who is going to save it from itself? Ramona1413 years 4 months ago
Reader blogA Sense of Something Coming Elusive Trope3113 years 4 months ago
Blog entryDebt Ceiling Dumb Show Michael Wolraich5213 years 4 months ago
Blog entryMarch Of The Centrists Michael Maiello3113 years 4 months ago
Blog entryFRIDAY FOLLIES: on Purple Prose, Mangy Mutts, Smokey Sunsets and R-E-S-P-E-C-T Ramona713 years 4 months ago
Blog entryAdvice to Democrats: Divide and Conquer Michael Wolraich3513 years 4 months ago
Reader blogHOME, HOME ON LAGRANGE: EARTH FINDS ITS TRUE COMPANION? acanuck613 years 4 months ago
Reader blogWhat's Your Plan Progressives? tmccarthy04213 years 4 months ago
Reader blogHow to wite gud cmaukonen713 years 4 months ago
Reader blogShould you vote for Obama and why? Verified Atheist7913 years 4 months ago
Blog entryRosa Parks: No Way to Treat a Lady Ramona513 years 4 months ago
Reader blogAmerica's "House Negro" cmaukonen1113 years 5 months ago
Reader blogMs. BACHMANN IS NUTS! Richard Day5613 years 5 months ago
Blog entryFRIDAY FOLLIES: On the Palin Docudramody, the Cantor uninvite, and Will Rogers' finest moments Ramona713 years 5 months ago
