The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

tmccarthy0's picture

GOP Debate IX - The Lament of Ron Paul

One thing we know for sure, Ron Paul hates the government, according to him it can't do anything right, which is why he has spent so many years in government... err I think. He's been in congress since 1976! And he says government doesn't work, well maybe that is because he participated in making sure government is dysfunctional and by defunding everything he can, he will continue to assure its dysfunction. How many guys in congress are just like him, and how does he get away with saying this stuff.

tmccarthy0's picture

GOP Debate IX: Herman Cain

Herb Cain has a 9-9-9 plan and he became target numero uno at the GOP debate, Cowboy Style. You knew the group would be all in on going after Herb's 9-9-9 plan. Cain's plan has been all the rage as of late with the punditry crowd and the blogging world.  These are the people, (yes like me) who keep Herb in the spotlight.  Although his 15 minutes may be up quickly or maybe not.

tmccarthy0's picture


There comes a time in the life of a nation when it is time to make choices, how are we going to institute effective change and reform our badly broken government. We now have a Legislative Branch filled with spoiled schoolyard children, who would prefer to see the country slip past the point of no-return, where they would prefer their citizens to be destitute and desperate in order to gain more and more power.

tmccarthy0's picture

Fear and Loathing of Public Policy: Shrinking Access to Post Secondary Education = Permanent Underclass

What are we going to do since the cost of education is skyrocketing? Students these days graduate with enormous debt or they don't get the opportunity to attend post secondary training.

Long ago when I started college it was an inexpensive 1200.00 a year that included books. I didn't really have debt when I graduated from college. That isn't the case for students today, and with the cost of tuition rising as much as 20% in one year at some state colleges, soon enough the middle and lower classes will be unable to afford post-secondary education. And the thing is, we'd become a thriving first world nation in part because we expanded access to education to almost everyone.

tmccarthy0's picture

Democrat Like Me

For years the idea haunted me, if a Republican became a Democrat in the deep North what adjustments would she have to make?

And that is how it began, that fateful day in 1984 was the day I decided to infiltrate the Democratic party and turn them all into Liberal Republicans! I knew I could do it if I could just find a way to fit in first, to blend in, so I went to the doctor's office for some help.

tmccarthy0's picture

In Defense of Prof. Melissa Harris Perry - Updated Links.

It all began with a Michael Moore visit to the View. It was nothing short of appalling. So we will call it Exhibit 1:




tmccarthy0's picture

What's Your Plan Progressives?

Yeah this comes out of a comment yesterday and I want to know what the progressive plan is for getting more progressive legislators into the government, because that is the pertinent question here. So before I head out on a 50 miler today, I am going to ask the question, what is your plan to getting what you want?

tmccarthy0's picture

Chris Matthews to Joe Walsh (R) Il 8th District, "He's Your President Too."

Let's get this out there, Rep. Joe Walsh is discrediting a good name. The Joe Walsh I remember, played guitar had his own band and sang songs like All Night Laundromat Blues.. this guy, well he just doesn't seem like he is that much fun and he is trashing what is otherwise a very good name!


TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Reader blogThe Eight Page Solution: Bernie Sanders Health Care Scam tmccarthy0349 years 3 weeks ago
Reader blogHow to Get to Single Payer: The Hillary Rodham Clinton Route tmccarthy049 years 3 weeks ago
LinkBernie Sanders’s single-payer plan isn’t a plan at all ocean-kat69 years 3 weeks ago
Blog entryLive Blogging the Democratic Debate (Without Watching) OPEN THREAD Michael Maiello149 years 4 weeks ago
Reader blogTax Policy Wins! HSG259 years 1 month ago
Reader blogBerntrayal: we wuz robbed PeraclesPlease519 years 1 month ago
Blog entryThe Gender Gap among Democratic Voters HSG579 years 1 month ago
Reader blogMy Irrelevant Rant: Donald Trump, Debbie Wasserman Schulz, Howard Dean & Me tmccarthy0299 years 1 month ago
Blog entryThe problem with Hillary Clinton's anecdotes HSG539 years 1 month ago
Blog entryWhat the CWA and DFA Endorsements Mean HSG419 years 1 month ago
Blog entryThe Revolution of the 1% Michael Maiello169 years 2 months ago
Reader blogThe Case for Hillary Clinton: Health Care Policy Experience tmccarthy0519 years 2 months ago
LinkAmerica’s pathological denial of reality Lurker519 years 2 months ago
LinkNYT: Woodrow Wilson an Unrepentant Racist NCD39 years 2 months ago
LinkTwo Clintons. 41 years. $3 billion. HSG399 years 2 months ago
Reader blogWhite working class entrapment, American Style Oxy Mora329 years 3 months ago
Blog entryOur Complicated, Uncompetitive Primary Michael Maiello469 years 3 months ago
Blog entryOops, She Did it Again HSG629 years 3 months ago
Blog entrySo it's Clinton vs. Sanders. Can't We Just Be Frenemies? Ramona929 years 3 months ago
Blog entryInsurgency: The Difference Between Democrats and Republicans Michael Wolraich139 years 4 months ago
Blog entryDr. Cleveland's Rule for Evaluating Rumors of Affairs Doctor Cleveland129 years 4 months ago
Blog entryWhat Just Happened to the House GOP? Doctor Cleveland149 years 4 months ago
Blog entryReligious Leaders Want Theocracies Michael Maiello259 years 4 months ago
CreativeDanger In Donald's Name barefooted719 years 4 months ago
Reader blogDanger In Donald's Name barefooted249 years 4 months ago
