The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    tmccarthy0's picture

    Fear and Loathing of Public Policy: Shrinking Access to Post Secondary Education = Permanent Underclass

    What are we going to do since the cost of education is skyrocketing? Students these days graduate with enormous debt or they don't get the opportunity to attend post secondary training.

    Long ago when I started college it was an inexpensive 1200.00 a year that included books. I didn't really have debt when I graduated from college. That isn't the case for students today, and with the cost of tuition rising as much as 20% in one year at some state colleges, soon enough the middle and lower classes will be unable to afford post-secondary education. And the thing is, we'd become a thriving first world nation in part because we expanded access to education to almost everyone.

    How Barack failed the Suskind test

    Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington, and the Education of a President pretty much boils down to Suskind's view that Obama's incompetent management blighted his first two years in particular by causing him to blow two key decisions: he didn't put Citicorp into Chapter 11 (or even Chrysler)  and in creating the Affordable Health Care Act (AHCA) he opted for coverage instead of cost reduction.

    Punishing Citicorp ( or somebody)

    And the score was....Geithner 1, Volker 0.

    Suskind subscribes to the moral hazard school: when something's gone wrong, someone should suffer. Perhaps even  those responsible. Somehow I'm reminded of Shirley Jackson's The Lottery, but never mind.

    tmccarthy0's picture

    Democrat Like Me

    For years the idea haunted me, if a Republican became a Democrat in the deep North what adjustments would she have to make?

    And that is how it began, that fateful day in 1984 was the day I decided to infiltrate the Democratic party and turn them all into Liberal Republicans! I knew I could do it if I could just find a way to fit in first, to blend in, so I went to the doctor's office for some help.

    Republican debate Oct 11--a serious take.

    Charlie Rose will moderate the GOP debate to be held on the Dartmouth college campus in Hanover, New Hampshire on Oct 11. Also on the panel will be Julianna Goldman, W.H. correspondent for Bloomberg Television and Karen Tumulty of the Washington Post.

    This debate may be a pivotal experience for the Republican contenders because it will focus on the economy and Charlie Rose and the panel will have at their disposal a Bloomberg Terminal. For those who don't know, this terminal is a coveted, high dollar mother lode of financial information. I don't know if the screens will be viewable by the television audience, but the presence of actual facts may sober up some of the participants.

    The Decider's picture

    Dallas Morning News: Bush Presidential Center "Awe-Inspiring."

    OK, so maybe it was me who said it was awe-inspiring but the newspaper reporters wrote that down and recorded it so now that's what the newspaper says. And it's true. This will be the biggest and best libery in the U.S.!

    Charlie Rose publishes debate questions for New Hampshire.

    Sources tell me that Charlie Rose has agreed to moderate the upcoming Republican New Hampshire debate on the condition that the decorum of both candidates and audience can be upgraded to New England standards. While New England Republicans are fine with such language as "laying the wood to Obama" and "taking a baseball bat" to a woman legislator in New Jersey they flinch at things like booing the troops and clapping at executions, as unfortunately occurred in the Simi Valley and Orlando debates. In sympathy with the goal of higher level discourse, the Manchester Union Leader is said to be withholding a story that Romney muttered a phrase that sounded like "Frigging Canucks" when he was detained at the Canadian border for strapping a large dog to the top of his family car.

    In order to raise the debate bar and minimize knee-jerk reactions, Charlie Rose has published his list of questions ahead of time. But to make sure the candidates actually prepare for the debate, questions will be assigned only at the last minute to candidates of Matthew Dowd's choosing. The questions have been geared to an audience of conservative, taciturn and frugal New Englanders and vacationing hedge fund managers.

    tmccarthy0's picture

    In Defense of Prof. Melissa Harris Perry - Updated Links.

    It all began with a Michael Moore visit to the View. It was nothing short of appalling. So we will call it Exhibit 1:




    Hunting the rich?

    The Economist's September 24 print edition has a cover story called "Hunting the Rich":

    Awhile back I made a cultural comment about victim envy--how everyone, no matter how relatively well off, seems in our day to want to portray themselves as a victim for political advocacy purposes.

    Space hotels

    As some of you know, I love science, and I care about the environment. Sometimes, these two interests are in conflict, as in the case of space hotels. Alas, my romantic side wants the space hotels to win, and any time my environmental, logical side speaks up about how much fuel will be required for such ventures, my romantic side punches him in the face and steals his lunch money.

    Well, he did it.

    Obama has made himself judge, jury and executioner of an American citizen. Zero due process. Zero judicial review.

    The only reaction I can think of is a moment of silence. Not for al-Awlaki. But in memory of what used to be our constitution and the due-process of law.


    Say what you will, but at times like these I take solace in Ron Paul.

    Judge Not

    I keep trying to figure out what's wrong with everybody.  And all I can come up with is that everybody else is trying to figure out the same thing.

    Yet none of us can agree on what's wrong, or right.  We just want to know that we're justified in judging others, I guess.

    And all I want to keep asking is, "Who died and made US the judge???"

    Perry's disastrous CNBC appearance

    If there were any way to create sympathy for Rick Perry on pure humanitarian grounds, his appearance on CNBC this morning achieved it.

    Perry, who was in a remote location(for good reason) and stood in soft focus in front of the American flag was incoherent, uninformed, unprepared and rambling. If Perry actually does have a near average native intelligence, his handlers have so bound him up that he looks like a confused post brain-surgery patient.

    coatesd's picture

    Helping Obama Rediscover His Groove

    Thus far 2011 has not been a good year for progressives. The daily sight of the White House seeking elusive accommodations with Tea Party-inspired Congressional Republicans has not been an edifying one. Prior to and during the debt ceiling crisis, all the drive, all the issue framing, all the assertiveness in the pursuit of solutions, seemed to come from just one side of the aisle. In the process the stature of the White House (and that of its occupant) visibly wilted. A President full of confidence prior to the mid-term elections seemed to have entirely lost his footing.

    So it was a huge relief to see Barack Obama feisty in defense of his Jobs Bill when addressing a joint session of Congress on September 8. It was an even greater relief to see him throwing down the gauntlet to John Boehner when introducing his deficit package later; and there was more reassurance last weekend when the President campaigned vigorously in California in the manner of the old Obama. It was good to see him openly condemning those who booed a gay soldier from the floor of the Florida debate as “not reflective of who we are.” It was good to see him insisting that the Republican vision of government would “fundamentally cripple America in meeting the challenges of the 21st century;” and it was good to see him treating the 2012 election as “a contest of values.” The California Obama was more like the Obama for whom many of us campaigned so enthusiastically in 2008: so maybe, at long last and not a day too soon, the President is beginning to get back his progressive groove. Let us hope so.

    Republican candidates no good in bed.

    According to Matthew Dowd we have a "hot" electorate and the "temperature" of candidates is important. Especially in the Tea Party dominated Republican party, "Passion" is the watchword. "Cool" Presidential contenders just don't cut it. Republicans think the time is right. They see a chance to throw Obama out of the Lincoln bedroom but on the other hand they don't want to end up getting it on with the Manchurian candidate.

    So far I think each of the Republican presidential contenders have given the Republican base voters good reason to let the moment pass, change their front door locks, and sign up for another dating service. 

    Take Herb Cain, as Palin called him, "the flavor of the week". His staying power is at issue. But frankly any guy who thinks he's going to get laid after giving his date pizza for dinner is a loser whether or not he owns the pizza company. Stop him at the door.

    Suskind's book

    ... is reviewed by Brad Delong . The link is below in the first comment(don't ask!)

    It (the review) is worth reading. Whether you agree or disagree with Brad, it sort of provides a check list of the issues you have to consider in trying to come to a rational position about Obama's record on the economy.

    As to the book itself, well whether or not you disagree with Suskind, it's impressive in all the stuff it covers. But not in its manipulative argument by adjective or anecdote. From Brad's review:

    Richard Day's picture


    Rod Serling Suited man in his forties, with dark hair, thick eyebrows, and an intense expression

    I am catching, for the 30th time (at least) Seven_Days_in_May

    Kirk Douglas and Burt Lancaster were once again paired with Fredric-the-Fricking March in the background.

    And of course this is really Twilight Zone since Rod Serling (the real voice of my generation!) wrote the screen play.

    Kirk of course put the film together seeking to play the bad guy but, as usual, took a lesser (if not more important) role as the savior of democracy because Burt always got his way. hahahahaha

    Take off your bedroom slippers, put on your marching heels!

    My generation came of age during Second-Wave Feminism.  By the time we reached 18, the country was already entering its 'post-feminist' phase.

    In these final years before the discovery of the AIDS virus, we were the direct heirs of the most recent Sexual Revolution.  We enjoyed easy access to birth control and the knowledge that, if we did get pregnant, abortions were legal and affordable.  Our spiritual forebears were slightly older women who still looked and acted like hippies, who went bra-less, who hitchhiked and camped alone, who didn't give a rat's ass about makeup (unless it was body paint), who lived in communal homes, and slept with anyone they wanted to.

    jollyroger's picture

    The power to tax is the power to destroy

    So wrote the great Chief Justice John Marshall, in 1819.

    He probably did not mean the phrase the way I do, but if we deconstruct it just a tiny bit, it can show us the way to a new world, free of the plutocrats, the kleptocrats, the malefactors of great wealth (h/t FDR) and the rest of the thieving, rapacious parasites that prey upon the life of the people (h/t Patty Hearst aka Tania)

    Today Michael Moore rallied the Occupy Wall Streeters, and his cry included the demand that the rich be taxed.

    jollyroger's picture

    Show me what evil looks like....THIS is what evil looks like.

    I have framed the title of this post in a conscious parallel to the chant from the Wall Street Occupation ("show me what democracy looks like...) because sometimes the only way to really appreciate the devil is by having in mind an angel for comparison.

    In this case, (and ain't it tiresome) evil looks (yet again) like the oppression in Gaza.

    Women there afflicted with breast cancer are dying because the isotopes they need are embargoed, and they are unable to travel out of Gaza to receive treatment.

    Will Perry perchance pivot? Possibly.

    Despite Perry's poor debate performances and his current whipping boy status among Republican pundits as well as Fox News, I am not one who thinks this guy is out of the running for winning the Republican Primary. 

    Perry's handlers made the choice to start Perry the Pitcher in a Playoff series his first week out of the minors and he has lost his first three games. It's of course 20/20 hindsight but his handlers should not have made him the immediate target of the other "contenders" but should have had him play nice with the others for a while and stick to attacking Obama until he got used to the national stage. Maybe they suspected such attacks on Perry's vulnerabilities and concluded that the Alpha Male ploy was the best shot. He certainly throws his chest out and bends his knees appropriately

    jollyroger's picture

    Get your hand off my ass...



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