Richard Day's picture


    Susan B. Anthony

    The President of the Central Mississippi Tea Party, a woman named Janis Lane, believes that women are too “mean, hateful” and “diabolical” to vote, and likely should not have been given the right. In an interview with the Jackson Free Press, Lane told the interviewer, “I’m really going to set you back here. Probably the biggest turn we ever made was when the women got the right to vote.” She went on: “Our country might have been better off if it was still just men voting. There is nothing worse than a bunch of mean, hateful women. They are diabolical in how than can skewer a person. I do not see that in men. The whole time I worked, I’d much rather have a male boss than a female boss. Double-minded, you never can trust them.

    Never mind the binders of women; look for the binders of voter registrations.

    I am already tired of the binders of women story--more important than what Mitt said is the fact that he seems to have made himself the hero of the story in complete disregard of the facts at hand.

    But speaking of disregarding facts (and law!) a more interesting story is developing over at (dare I mention the initials?) TPM and on local blogs in Harrisonburg VA. A young guy named Colin Small was seen throwing out completed voter registration forms and got arrested for it. Turns out he was employed by the oft-renamed firm sometimes and formerly known as Strategic Allied Consultants, sometimes and formerly run by disgraced consultant Nathan Sproul.

    jollyroger's picture

    Prez to Pashtuns:"OK, we'll leave you medieval tribal nut cases alone. But we're taking your women with us, you murderous pigs. Blanket asylum for Pashtun women. How ya like us now?"

    When the subject of our impending Afghan exit is discussed, it is common to lament the wretched condition to which the women of that country will be abandoned. On the Pakistani side of the Durand line, the same or worse oppression obtains.

    coatesd's picture

    The Second Debate: In Pursuit of Women Voters

    One of the most telling questions in the second of the debates between the presidential candidates focused on the gender pay gap: asking in what ways the candidates would “rectify the inequalities in the workplace, specifically regarding females only making 72 percent of what their male counterparts earn?” Government Romney’s answer to that question helps explains why he trails Obama among women voters. The President’s answer helps explain why that gap is not widening.

    Who won

    Poll hosted  by

                                   Obama              Romney

    Fox News                  65                   35

    CNN                          46                   39

    CBS                           37                  30

    Google                       48                   31

    Gallup 10/17              65                  35

    Flavius comment

    For the second debate in a row the republican was caught lying. In Macy's window.

    Tonight's embarrassment

    Richard Day's picture


    King Kong vs. Godzilla

    Okay, so The President of the United States of America is going to face a capitalist who loves to fire people and has friends who own sports teams!

    Nobody else stepped up so I shall continue to present a more communistic view of the universe.

    Carpe Diem

    Isaiah J. Poole, "Message to Obama: Go Bold on Jobs or Go Down In Defeat", Campaign for America's Future, yesterday.

    ....Obama is failing to communicate a compelling economic agenda for change. The Tuesday night town hall debate may be the president's last chance to position himself as the change agent that the voters demand. And the key to doing that is convincing voters that it is he, not Republican challenger Mitt Romney, who will move the country toward a full-employment economy.

    The Debate: attacking Romney's jobs-creator mythology.

    Obama lost the first debate on style---low energy, low engagement, and not parrying Romney's staccato speech and rote memorization of soliloquy and facts. I think Obama's deficiencies in style are the easiest things to correct in tomorrow's debate. What seems more important are the structure and forethought in specific attacks on Romney and how not to have internally competing strategies.

    There is always the possibility that Romney would shape-shift again and perhaps introduce something completely from left field---how about, for example, a program to refinance student loans, or a new kind of health care guarantee? Or attempt to shift the debate to the Benghazi tragedy. I hope that the Obama team has already gamed some of these possible outliers. But my guess is that Romney will double down on his attacks on Obama's record, try to exploit his newfound Daddy-will take-care-of-business role, and further muddle the arguments on tax reform, Medicare and "Obamacare."

    coatesd's picture

    Memo to the Presidential Candidates: Cut the Warfare State, Not the Welfare State

    If you listen only to Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, you could be forgiven for thinking that the United States is not simply in need of strong interventionist leadership abroad. It is also short of military hardware and troops.

    Richard Day's picture


    Bob Barker

    There are severe problems with government today.

    I know because Dick Morris told me so; on many occasions.

    FurudeRikaChama's picture

    The society that never sleeps: The insanity of extroverts, from the perspective of an introvert

    As you all should probably know by now, I'm not really a talker online. I post things and love to write, but I'm generally not much of a talker. However, you will see me talk online more often than offline. I'm what Urban Dictionary calls a "webtrovert."

    MetaBol: grouch-o-thon

    I fess up - I called a blog owner a turd, and called a turd a blog owner. Still working out which is worse, but a few more therapy sessions should cure it.

    I will express some regret and nostalgia - I've written humor, multilingual expositions, hard core analysis, searing diatribe, and kumbaya all-inclusiveness. But as Groucho said (or was it The Grouch?), it wasn't here.

    Richard Day's picture




    Do you really wish a left wing commie symp to run this thing?


    We are looking at some old Norse Myth where the great King of old age must debate the youngster; the youngster attacking some Viagra prone leader with his life force! For chissakes!


    Let us see how this goes!

    I vote for one of my heroes over the last 40 years against a corporate front; against a young prick who simply wishes to make the rich richer, the poor poorer and then wishes that the middle class fall in line and obey their corporate owners!

    jollyroger's picture

    Goin' tribal, gettin' on the bus to Philly.

    Some coming weekend morning, as the busses deploy from Atlantic Center at the unforgiving hour of 8:30, I will drop an extra 20 mg. of Adderall to steel myself against the unfamiliar glare of the morning sun, and set off to go door-to-door for that worthless punk, Obama.


    Richard Day's picture


    Uncle Tom's Cabin Uncle Tom's Cabin, CLEVELAND, OHIO: JEWETT, PROCTOR & WORTHINGTON edition

    Do you really think that we won WWII and that the NAZI's were done for?

    Ahhhhhhh, no!

    Tonight's Elizabeth Warren,Scott Brown debate

    was another win for Warren.

    There's a full review over at TPM  but my overall assessment is that , again, she won.

    Brown, as he had  before , attacked her  personally: on working for corporate clients and being too well paid by Harvard. Dunno how it worked for those watching at home. It was boo-ed in the hall.,


    Elusive Trope's picture

    The Raging Rockefellers Do A Flea Flicker

    Team Romney, faced with 9 point deficit with 10 minutes left to go, and staring at that first debate moment in the game, changed their teams name to the Raging Rockefellers, referring to moderate Republican Nelson Rockefeller.  They figured this was better for the general election than their their previous name of the Frothing Buchanans.   The mascot wasn't going over well in internal polling, nor was it playing well in the swing states.

    Colin Powell may well decide this election.

    well The 2012 national election is now a jump ball. The Clinton convention bounce is gone and then some. Whether Obama or Biden can effectively counteract Romney's new persona is an unknown. Romney has now established himself as the father figure and Obama as a kid who doesn't know how to defend himself and people are wondering if Obama has just been out of his league all along. It has been suggested that Romney was channeling his own father during the actual debate.

    Worried, sleepless nights for Romney supporters will win the election

    I think here is where his 47% comments will hurt him the most, where Obama's team defining Romney as the Bain CEO who wants to ship your jobs overseas in order to pad his Cayman Island bank accounts....

    I don't care about women's rights.

    Because of Obama's terrible debate performance we are staring a Romney presidency in the face and I am trying to come to terms with the possibility that after living through Bush/Cheney, Mitt Romney's mug will be on the T.V. screen for eight years. My gut is so sore from thinking about a failed Obama and a new Romney presidency that my health may be failing. So I am changing gears and adjusting. Certainly I will cancel my cable subscription. I am also threatening to move to Canada but I already have a house an hour from the border so I'm not sure that moving sixty miles North achieves all that much.

    jollyroger's picture

    Help wanted: Gunslinger. Must be licensed to practice in the State of Utah.

    Billy the Kid, hero of my earliest youth, would have known how to right this wrong.

    Withal, as trial lawyers are alternately known as "gunslingers" (it never bothered me a bit...) someone needs to ride into town and destroy two subhuman life forms, if only by way of crushing punitive damages.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Why Hate PBS? Because It Works

    Let's get one thing out of the way. PBS's educational programming is the most successful distance-learning effort in history. Nothing else comes close. Every conservative should love it. But many of them don't. When a conservative starts hating on PBS, they're telling you why they're a conservative, and it's not because they hate government programs that don't work. It's because they hate government programs that do work.


    Which was my advice when the August employment numbers were released.

    Same today.There are some days when something significant happens. Today like September 7th wasn't one of them. If either August or September had been up 300,000, that would have been significant. But not 100K and change.

    Another non significant day was Debate Tuesday.Nothing happened then either.

    Richard Day's picture





    You know that kind of love and support that you get from your family? Well, it was that kind of reaction,” she said during an interview with the Tribune-Review at the Tampa Marriot Waterside. “And I was like, ‘Oh, it was OK then?’ ”
