William K. Wolfrum's picture

    In U.S. politics, never bet against the incumbent

    Yesterday, Indiana, Ohio and North Carolina held primaries. And while it is a small sampling group, whether it was a primary for governor, the U.S. Senate, or the House, 100 percent of incumbents running for re-election won their races.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Obama plugs BP Oil Spill with bodies of Wright, Ayers, shoots Faisal Shahzad; hopes for bipartisanship

    GULF OF MEXICO – Dressed in only swimming trunks, U.S. President Barack Obama today swam 5,000 feet down and plugged the spewing geyser of oil left by the British Petroleum Oil rig that exploded April 20. Obama used the bodies of Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright to plug the well, thus saving the Gulf of Mexico and the U.S. from even worse contamination from the oil spill.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    The Ivy League/Wall Street Connection

    Ezra Klein recently tried to answer the question "Why is Goldman Sachs full of Ivy Leaguers?" by interviewing a Harvard/Goldman alum. (h/t to a righteously repulsed DougJ).

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    New GOP Platform: Microchip Mexicans & use them for barter, cleaning oil spills

    WASHINGTON – The Republican National Committee came forward today with a one-page document showcasing its new platform for the remainder of the year.

    The new platform is based on illegal immigration and keeping medical expenses down. From the document:

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    White Supremacy & Hate Groups: A nation-wide problem

    Almost a year ago, NBC reported on the rise of hate groups throughout the U.S.:

    The Southern Poverty Law Center has been tracking hate groups for almost 30 years. In its spring 2009 Intelligence Report, they found that 926 hate groups are currently operating in the U.S., an all-time high. These groups include the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, racist skinheads and Black separatists.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    U.S. has 24th most free press; DOJ goes after the media

    Freedom of the press has declined for the eighth year in a row, according to Freedom House’s annual report. And while the media has focused on the lack of media freedoms in such places as China and Venezuela, they’ve virtually ignored the U.S. position – No. 24 (PDF).

    And following in the footsteps of the Bush Administration, the Obama Administration seems intent on making the media less free.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    There Are No Republican Moderates in the Senate

    The Senate Republicans folded on their filibuster today. This morning The Hill ran an article with this headline:

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Republicans announce their base – Tim Johnson of Tupelo, Miss.

    Over the past few decades, the Republican brand has become a somewhat-confused morass of ideologies and beliefs, with the party losing large blocks of voters on several different issues. Recently, the decision by the State of Arizona to treat all Mexican and Latin people as potential criminals has crippled the Republican National Committee with the Mexican community, for instance.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Immigration and the "Race Card"

    If you harbor any doubt about the racist undercurrent driving right-wing immigration concerns, listen to Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh knows his audience, and when he discussed Arizona's immigration law on Monday, he gave them the red meat, or rather the black-and-brown meat, that they were looking for:

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    A Little Self-Promotion Never Hurt Anyone

    Having grown tired of sending links about my book to friends, I decided to set up a facebook fan page for my book, How Bill O'Reilly Saved Christmas and Other Right-Wing Persecution Fantasies, where I can collect relevent links, pictures, events, rants, and Republican concern trolls.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    In A Center-Left Country, we should troll Republicans with our concern

    In America, the weekends are for many things – spending time with family, enjoying outdoor activities and sports and just relaxing. It’s also the determined time for Republicans to Concern Troll the brains out of their Democratic opposition.

    For those on the outs. let me allow Wise Geek to give an example of concern trolling:

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    The hottest, most homoerotic, anti-gay diatribe ever!

    Eugene Delgaudio, the Republican District Supervisor in Sterling, Virginia, is a man that works hard to spread homophobia and keep many rights away from gay and lesbian Americans.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    The One-Two Punch of Wall Street Reform

    Some conservatives have accused President Obama of timing the Goldman Sachs lawsuit to make it easier to pass Wall Street Reform. It's not true, but the conservatives' anger at the alleged tactic is a sign of what a good idea that tactic is. It's the right general thing to do, and Obama should do a lot more of it.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    David Duke, the Tea Party and the KKK -- You could see this coming, right?

    David Duke, former Leader of the KKK and hater of all not like him, has finally come out, stood strong and delivered for the Tea Party.

    Via Crooks & Liars:

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Getting the Tea Party to fight against Wall Street Reform – GOP’s funniest trick?

    As Washington discusses financial reform laws regarding Wall Street – laws that are concerning numbers much, much larger than Health Care Reform – the Tea Partiers are curiously quiet as their Republican Overlords decide what next to do with them.

    They obviously have a problem. No likes Wall Street right now and everyone but serving U.S. Republicans believe something should be done about it.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    The Arizona "Immigration" Law

    Let's be clear about one thing: the Arizona immigration law signed by Governor Janice Brewer this week is not about illegal immigrants. It is about arresting legal immigrants and about American citizens. Because it makes not having your documents on you a crime.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Doctor refuses KFC Double-Down Sandwich as payment for treatment

    LOUISVILLE – Billy-Bob Wolfrum was pleased that Dr. McBride had removed the tick from the bottom of his foot, that had given him so much trouble. Wolfrum was much less pleased when Dr. Mkfc  double-downcBride refused the KFC Double-Down Sandwich for treatment.


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