William K. Wolfrum's picture

    President Barack Obama To Win Landslide Re-Election in 2012

    It’s April 20, 2010, and let me call it now – President Barack Obama will easily win re-election in 2012. Any discussion you hear about the 2012 presidential election is just a way to wile away the hours between the next Lindsay Lohan and/or Kim Kardashian news.

    There’s three indisputable reasons to call this race so early:

    1) The economy will be better in 2011 than it is now.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Man accused of vomiting on girl at game is a Conservative Tea Partier

    Recently,  Matthew Clemmens, 21, of Cherry Hill, N.J., was charged with assault, reckless endangerment, disorderly conduct and other offenses because he chose to show his displeasure to an 11-year-old girl by vomiting on her in the stands at a Philadelphia Phillies’ game.

    Now, while I’m sure Philadelphia management is smart enough to warn children that they have no responsibility over intentional vomit attacks, that’s neither here nor there.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Defending the Constitution (from the Birthers)

    Today, as everybody who's ever lived in Boston knows, is Patriots' Day, the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord. That means that it's a holiday in Massachusetts and Maine, and it means that today is Boston Marathon day. (Go, Meb and Ryan! Go!) My beloved Red Sox are playing a morning game in Fenway, and all is right with my world.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Why the Catholic Church Will Not Save Itself

    Every month, every week, the Catholic Church's scandal seems to deepen. Andrew Sullivan wants the Pope to resign. Christopher Hitchens wants the Pope arrested. Peggy Noonan has a brilliant column detailing the Catholic hierarchy's inability to grasp the problem and calling for "new blood" in the leadership. These are all reasonable desires. But none of that will happen.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Michele Bachmann claims dogs are demons, Jesus is her hair dresser; All this & John McCain on Meet the Press

    Rep. Michele Bachmann’s (R-MN), known for her invented attacks on President Barack Obama, today announced that Hollywood is one big Hitler, that adorable little dogs are demons and that Jesus Christ does her hair.

    "He is just so good," said Bachmann.

    Thus will all be discussed next week, along with an exclusive 20-minute interview with John McCain while he bottle feeds a baby deer, next week on Meet the Press.


    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Rape is Rape - it is not a clever political metaphor

    It is astounding that in the Year 2010, so many people still treat the word rape as if it’s a clever description from everything from taxes to actions at sporting events. The pictured cartoon made the rounds on the heels of the passage of health care reform. At seemingly all levels in the world of politics, many consider “rape” to be a true conversational gem:

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Only Chuck Norris Can Make Supreme Court Less Liberal

    When Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman recently stated that President Barack Obama needed to nominate a more conservative justice to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Justice John Paul Stevens, many liberals blanched. After all, the U.S.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Who loves a Tea Party? Not who you might think

    Who loves a Tea Party? A recent NYT/CBS poll punctured a couple of myths about the makeup of today's paranoid right-wing activists.

    Myth #1. Tea Party supporters are motivated by economic anxiety

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Flat Worlds, Flat Earths, and Flyover States

    Julian Sanchez has a very smart argument about epistemic closure among conservatives, and folks around the blogosphere have been linking to it.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Barack Obama nominates actor Sean Penn to Supreme Court

    WASHINGTON – In a bold effort to try and combat the far-right conservatives George W. Bush nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court, President Barack Obama today announced that he is nominating actor Sean Penn to the SCOTUS seat soon to be vacated by Justice Paul Stevens.

    “Over the past decade we have seen the Supreme Court move decidedly right of center,” said Obama. “We feel that Justice Sean Penn will help even things out.”

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Sarah Palin – Ditching Alaskan people = $12 million; Leaving Alaska a fiscal wreck = priceless

    Via Ed Morrissey at Hot Air, it seems that’s Sarah Palin’s decision to ditch the paltry-paying Alaska Governorship has reaped a whirlwind of financial riches – to the tune of $12 million thus far:

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Conservatives tremble as William K. Wolfrum joins up with Alan Colmes

    Showcasing a superb sense of humor to those that have made jokes about him in the past, Alan Colmes of Fox News has signed up yours truly as a contributor at his Web site, Liberaland (www.alan.com).

    While my first post for Colmes (“Why on Earth does Fox News pay Alan Colmes?”) was rejected, my first two official posts are up:

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Newt Gingrich stars in new Nike "Err Newt" ad campaign

    As speculation grows about a potential 2012 Presidential run, ex-Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has teamed up with Nike to produce an advertisement meant to both soften the controversial Republican’s image, as well as sell his new line of products, available at Nike.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Who Can't Get a Gun in This Country?

    Norman Leboon, who has threatened to kill Congressman Eric Cantor, has been found unfit to stand trial for psychiatric reasons. This is not a big surprise; last year Leboon was arrested for threatening to have the Archangel Gabriel kill his roommate.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Avatar II: The Tax Revoltening

    If you thought the movie “Avatar” wasn’t enough of a trite rehash, just wait until “Avatar 2: The Tax Revoltening.” Coming April 15, this new epic will feature a new Dick Armey led brigade marching on Washington – but this time, they’re doing it virtually*.

    Yes, tapping into the Tea Party’s overwhelming desire to stay at home and grunt loudly while wearing their underwear, this march promises to do to the Internet what the Tea Party has done to National Politics – absolutely nothing.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Why Play with Fire? Four Explanations

    In my last post, I was worrying aloud about politicians who just couldn't seem to get it together to denounce violence and generally encourage the lunatic fringe to chill out. The intervening days, with the arrests of the "Hutaree army" and of the lunatic who threatened Eric Cantor on YouTube, make the question even more pressing.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Conservative Blogger Erick Erickson Threatens to Shoot Census Workers

    Erick Erickson, the founder of political blog RedState.com, which CNN calls "the preeminent right of center community online," has threatened to drive off census workers with a shotgun if they ask him how many times he flushes the toilet and other highly classified information.


    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Glenn Beck Stand-In Tries to Out-Racism Beck, Says Obama Hates "White Guys and Capitalism"

    Last summer, a number of advertisers boycotted Glenn Beck's FOX News show after he accused Obama of being a "racist" with a "deep seeded [sic] hatred for white people or the white culture." Since then, Beck has avoided overt race-baiting, focusing instead on Obama's affection for Marxism, progressivism, fascism, totalitarianism, and many other unsavory "isms," not to mention a few unpleasant "y's" like oligarchy, tyranny, and the Democratic Party.



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