The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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A Little Self-Promotion Never Hurt Anyone

Having grown tired of sending links about my book to friends, I decided to set up a facebook fan page for my book, How Bill O'Reilly Saved Christmas and Other Right-Wing Persecution Fantasies, where I can collect relevent links, pictures, events, rants, and Republican concern trolls.

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Who loves a Tea Party? Not who you might think

Who loves a Tea Party? A recent NYT/CBS poll punctured a couple of myths about the makeup of today's paranoid right-wing activists.

Myth #1. Tea Party supporters are motivated by economic anxiety

Michael Wolraich's picture

To Burn or Recycle, a Stupid Question

Today's New York Times explored the topic of trash incineration, an increasingly popular method of waste disposal in Europe. These are not your daddy's incinerators. The new "waste-to-energy" plants filter pollutants and produce electricity. Cities can save landfill space, avoid expensive trash transport, and produce alternative energy at the same time.

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Conservative Blogger Erick Erickson Threatens to Shoot Census Workers

Erick Erickson, the founder of political blog, which CNN calls "the preeminent right of center community online," has threatened to drive off census workers with a shotgun if they ask him how many times he flushes the toilet and other highly classified information.


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Glenn Beck Stand-In Tries to Out-Racism Beck, Says Obama Hates "White Guys and Capitalism"

Last summer, a number of advertisers boycotted Glenn Beck's FOX News show after he accused Obama of being a "racist" with a "deep seeded [sic] hatred for white people or the white culture." Since then, Beck has avoided overt race-baiting, focusing instead on Obama's affection for Marxism, progressivism, fascism, totalitarianism, and many other unsavory "isms," not to mention a few unpleasant "y's" like oligarchy, tyranny, and the Democratic Party.

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Maddow and Liberal Celebrities Stalk Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown

Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) is desperately fighting off an election challenge from MSNBC host, Rachel Maddow. Though Maddow insists that she has no interest in running for Senate, Brown is not deceived by her evasions.

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A Brief History of States' Rights

The New York Times and dagblog's own Larry Jankens reported today on the recent growth of the "states' rights" movement among right wing militants and Tea Party activists opposed to big government. The states' rights supporters are known as "Tenthers" for their veneration of the 10th Amendment, which reserves for the states all powers that the Constitution does not explicitly grant to the federal government.

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First Press: How Bill O'Reilly Saved Christmas

Readers, I apologize for my slow posting lately. I've been hunkering down to work on my upcoming book, How Bill O'Reilly Saved Christmas. But I'm popping my head up briefly to announce my first piece of press, a blog article at the Washington Post.

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Liberals Disappointed that Pentagon Gunman Was Not a Right-Wing Extremist

After their slam dunk with anti-tax kamikaze Andrew Joseph Stack, liberals hoped to rack up more political points with another right-wing act of terror. When the news broke of a gunman loose in Washington, breathless liberal bloggers and political email spammers burst into action.

According to blog enthusiast cheneyMUSTdie, who subscribes to over 1500 blogs and frequently posts the same comment on each of them: "OMG TEH WINGNUTS ARE KILLING AGAIN!!! THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!"

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Why Do Liberals Hate Beauty Queens?

What is the most persecuted demographic in the nation? It's not the blacks, the Jews, or the Hispanics, and certainly not the gays. One victim stands out in the gruesome annals of discrimination: the Beauty Queen.

The latest sacrifice to the bottomless hunger of the gay liberal hate monster is Miss Beverly Hills, Lauren Ashley. Ashley simply quoted an innocent line from the Bible:


TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Reader blogAu Pair of Dux PeraclesPlease308 years 10 months ago
LinkAntonin Scalia Dead At 79 barefooted428 years 10 months ago
Blog entrySafe Spaces, Trigger Warnings, And Mental Blocks Danny Cardwell208 years 10 months ago
Blog entryWhy Paul Krugman’s Wrong About Bernie Sanders Michael Wolraich378 years 10 months ago
Blog entryWhat If Bernie Broke Up The Banks? Michael Maiello88 years 10 months ago
Reader blogHillary raises money from people with Flavius238 years 10 months ago
Blog entryNew Hampshire Primaries: Slouching Toward the Brokered Convention Doctor Cleveland58 years 10 months ago
LinkShe shouts redux HSG88 years 10 months ago
LinkWhat Clinton said in her paid speeches Michael Wolraich18 years 10 months ago
Blog entryMr. Robot Michael Wolraich228 years 10 months ago
LinkOver the Berniebro Michael Wolraich08 years 10 months ago
Blog entryTwo Types Michael Wolraich198 years 10 months ago
LinkClinton's alma mater endorses . . . Bernie! HSG608 years 10 months ago
Reader blogPandering to the 1% PeraclesPlease228 years 10 months ago
Reader blogThe Acceptable Woman: Sexism in Progressivism tmccarthy0538 years 10 months ago
Reader blogOn Pizza HSG158 years 11 months ago
LinkBloomberg Isn't a Moderate, He's Just Out of Touch Michael Wolraich08 years 11 months ago
Reader blogThe Eight Page Solution: Bernie Sanders Health Care Scam tmccarthy0348 years 11 months ago
Blog entryDr. King, Donald Trump, And The South Danny Cardwell188 years 11 months ago
LinkCorrection: Nate Silver does not say "Hillary is 'not electable', Bernie is Dems only chance to beat Trump" HSG108 years 11 months ago
Blog entryLive Blogging the Democratic Debate (Without Watching) OPEN THREAD Michael Maiello148 years 11 months ago
Reader blogOBAMA; SAYONARA! SOTU LIVE BLOG! Richard Day268 years 11 months ago
Blog entryThe Christmas Star Doctor Cleveland88 years 11 months ago
Reader blogMERRY XMAS DAGBLOGGERS! Richard Day328 years 12 months ago
LinkFight the Fed Michael Maiello139 years 1 hour ago
