The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

jollyroger's picture

Ted Cruz, A notorious pervert (College room mate)


While we wait to see if the Iowa caucus turnout favors Cruz (120,000) or Trump (160,000) it is mindblowing to step back and fully internalize just what a profound creep Cruz is.

The oily Uriah Heap act is evidently a truly transparent look into his grimy soul.

Consider that he is so despised that otherwise sane Republican sachems (eg, Bob Dole, Richard Burr) publicly state acceptance of Donald Trump as the party nominee before Cruz, and Trent Lott dismisses him "He is not a gentleman. Gentleman respect each other ".

jollyroger's picture

Iowa Electoral Lone Wolves for Trump

The next entry in the list of historical precedents shattered: Iowa caucus strategy demands strong ground game.


Cruz is universally acknowledged to have the ground game and Trump is relying on essentially self-motivated first time caucus goers who are, in essence, the voting equivalent of The San Bernardino Two.


jollyroger's picture

Prez orders mercenaries from Saudi Temp agency. Consumer fraud found.

Ostensibly motivated by a tight budget line for fielding proxy armies (aka "boots on the ground, not ours"), President Obama (whom we have previously tagged as not  much of a military strategist) apparently went back to the same folks who sent him Obama bin Laden, (that

jollyroger's picture

That Hurricane melted greenland


This could be some really bad shit


As you will recall from countless weather reports. most hurricanes "pass harmlessly off the coast."


That is, they go NORTH instead of continuing west across the Atlantic, and therefore pass between North America and Europe.


In other words, they hit Greenland.


jollyroger's picture

Ted Cruz: "Trump is really a crypto Jew..."


I love it when the gloves come off.


First, Donald Chump Trump played the Cuban/Catholic/(Sp*c) card against Ted Cruz, musing, in his inimitable passive aggressive mode, that few evangelicals come out of Cuba, whereas, he, the Great White Hope of Protestant revanchism (Donald Trump-coming to an Orange Order Belfast march soon), was Presbyterian.


Of course, this ignorant prick doesn't realize that the magic denominational affiliation for evangelicals is Baptist, but, soit.


jollyroger's picture

Watcha' gonna do when you get outta jail? Think I'll make a movie....

SMH) We learn again today that the search for fame will subvert the success of even the most fortunate.

In the case of Joaquin Guzman, boss of the Sinaloa Cartel, he is said to have precipitated the raid which ended his brief hiatus (6 months)  from what promises to be permanent imprisonment because of a stated intention to produce his own biopic.

jollyroger's picture

Friends don't let (WASP) friends use Yiddish when campaigning.

I have previously declared myself deceived by Donald Chump Trump's over the top materialism and coarse address, which,on reflection, gave rise to a misconstruction re:his ethnicity that a close examination of his goyische punim (and goyische kopf) should have corrected.


jollyroger's picture

Why are we with the Arabs and not the Persians? I blame Lawrence.

From time to time it is useful to raise one's head above the AIPAC  generated miasma of anti-Iranian mania, and ask why, all things taken together, we invariably favor the Arabs (Saudis--with their irredentist head-chopping monarchy that, not incidentally, produced the guys who took down our big buildings--and Sunnis generally) over the Persians (who have women in parliament--shit, they HAVE a parliament!)

jollyroger's picture

trump, trump, rhymes with chump, wedge his whities in a lump...

The recent closing of the New York Military Academy has provided armchair psychologists with an illuminating anecdote from the formative years of the Republican front runner

. According to a person familiar with the facts, when the school closed, files from the guidance counselor previously held in strict confidentiality were inadvertently consigned to a dumpster instead of being shredded as intended. They were retrieved.


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