The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Richard Day's picture


  I discovered the most informative time line regarding the history of tobacco litigation in this country. 1951 studies began to come to the fore demonstrating that smoking may be hazardous to your health. After a couple years...
Richard Day's picture


A not so new argument is being made on MSM concerning the new Health care legislation as the Senate decides today whether or not THEY CAN EVEN DEBATE THE GODDAMN THING. (blesses himself and as he curses all repubs...
Richard Day's picture

NORTHCO-16: Shine Little Glow Worm, Glimmer, Glimmer

Frank awoke as part of his sofa. He looked around and after a couple minutes figured out why he, not so deep down, wished he could just remain part of a sofa. This vacation thing has got to end...
Richard Day's picture

ECCE HOMO earliest known European cave paintings date to 32,000 years ago. The purpose of the cave paintings is not known, and may never be. The evidence suggests that they were not merely decorations of living areas, since the caves...
Richard Day's picture


Metadata File:Musee de la bible et Terre Sainte 001.JPG What exactly is a lie? Here are some definitions from different sources: A false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.Something intended or serving to convey...
Richard Day's picture

NORTHCO-15: There's a Train Acomin'   Frank hit the scotch a little too hard that afternoon, the afternoon after he had met the bureau chief. Let's see, how many contractual provisions I did break so far.I spoke with an investigator for the State....
Richard Day's picture


Once upon a time, Bill O'Reilly did not get along real well with Al Franken. Now Al, my hero had written a couple books. One of them was entitled: Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot. I loved that...
Richard Day's picture

A New Take on the Eighth Amendment and the Geneva Conventions.

Old Sparky, the electric chair used at Sing Sing prison Lethal injection as a modus operandi is back in the news. Which always takes me to a closely linked issue: Animal euthanasia (from the Greek meaning "good...
Richard Day's picture

The Age of Carrie Palin

Richard Day's picture

NORTHCO-14: Motivational Speaking

Langdon left Frank after a couple hours. It is harder to investigate when you do not have intimidation at your disposal.Fuck subpoenas. Where the hell is my probable cause anyway? He came to some conclusions on his way back...


TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
LinkAndrew Breitbart is dead! Richard Day1412 years 7 months ago
Blog entryDead people talking politics William K. Wolfrum712 years 7 months ago
Blog entryThe Snowe Job Game! Michael Maiello712 years 7 months ago
Blog entryRomney beats Santorum in Michigan and They're Both Sore Losers Ramona1812 years 7 months ago
Reader blogMichigan Democrats, Don't Play Dirty Politics MuddyPolitics2512 years 7 months ago
LinkRomney wins Arizona and Michigan Richard Day012 years 7 months ago
LinkSenator Snow is not running again! Richard Day012 years 7 months ago
CreativeNOVEMBER 7, 2012; A TRAGEDY Richard Day012 years 7 months ago
LinkRomney Takes Michigan Forecast Lead artappraiser712 years 7 months ago
Blog entryAhmadinejad has breakfast , proving he's a double-Hitler and Iran must be attacked William K. Wolfrum312 years 7 months ago
LinkFive injured in high school shooting near Cleveland Richard Day312 years 7 months ago
Reader blogEndgame in Afghanistan? NCD1412 years 7 months ago
Blog entrySatan vs. Santorum Michael Wolraich2312 years 7 months ago
Reader blogTHE GOP ACADEMY AWARDS! Richard Day212 years 7 months ago
Blog entryNo Politics Today. Fun and Games (for me) and Biz Bizness Otherwise Ramona1812 years 7 months ago
LinkBill Maher writes One Million Dollar Check to Dems! Richard Day012 years 7 months ago
Blog entryConfessions of a Valor Thief Michael Wolraich1012 years 7 months ago
CreativeFRANKLIN GRAHAM; A SHORT BIO Richard Day612 years 7 months ago
Reader blogMitt Romney is looking Christ-like. Oxy Mora2012 years 7 months ago
Reader blogLovin' the Liberals LisB412 years 7 months ago
Reader blogCookies for Communism erica201012 years 7 months ago
Blog entryDerisive Religion Mocking Michael Maiello312 years 7 months ago
Reader blogSEINTORUM! Richard Day412 years 7 months ago
CreativeThe accidental book scout. Oxy Mora612 years 7 months ago
Reader blogSecurity? Security? Yes, we need some people up here right away. Three shifts of 18 please. jollyroger412 years 7 months ago
