The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

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William K. Wolfrum's picture

2012 and the Mayans: Apocalypse Now ... Please

With the film “2012″ opening soon, many of the world’s great thinkers have accepted the movie’s premise as fact. The world as we know it will come to a grinding halt in the year 2012, they believe, because the Mayans said so.

William K. Wolfrum's picture

Brazil’s Blackout - Rio, Sao Paulo and others in the dark, problem not close to being solved

MINAS GERAIS, Brazil - For those seeing the news about Brazil’s blackout, here’s what I can report: Itaipu Dam, which creates power for much of Brazil’s south, has 18 generators down, with just two working - and those two send energy to Paraguay.

William K. Wolfrum's picture

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar & Leukemia - A Call to African-Americans, minorities to join Bone Marrow Registry

(Note: When I learned that Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has leukemia, I was terribly saddened. Because I remember my Mother’s battle with the disease (she died of Leukemia on Dec. 30, 2008). And as much as that, I know that for an African-American and other minorities, the chances of receiving a potentially life-saving bone marrow transplants are horrifyingly low.

William K. Wolfrum's picture

Caffeine-Free Diet Pepsi: The most hideous thing humans have ever created

Having spent more time lately in the U.S., one thing has become abundantly clear - Caffeine-Free Diet Pepsi is the nastiest beverage ever created. If ever there was a product that proved that American ingenuity is dead, it's Caffeine-Free Diet Pepsi.

William K. Wolfrum's picture

Moderate Democrats announce plans to hold off on passing agenda until after 2036 elections

Following Tuesday’s nightmare elections that saw their party lose gubernatorial races in New Jersey and Virginia, many Democrats have sounded the alarm - the time to pass their agenda is not quite here yet.

William K. Wolfrum's picture

In closed-door meeting, Lieberman & Blue Dogs put pressure on Ben Nelson to kill Public Option

Eisenstadt & Joe Lieberman

“Marty Eisenstadt” poses for a photo with Sen. Joe Lieberman - moments before Lieberman and Blue Dog Dems invaded Sen. Ben Nelson’s office for some arm-twisting.

(Sometimes, it takes a hoaxer to uncover a real story. This is a true story as related to me by Eitan Gorlin.)

William K. Wolfrum's picture

We SciMoChristoSatanIslaJews demand our own Health Care Reform "Pay-for-Pray" Provision

William K. Wolfrum made this statement to his followers at 3 p.m.

“My friends, I have always been open about my religious beliefs because I firmly adhere to the concept that what makes this nation great is freedom of religion. Whether you are a Scientologist, Mormon, Satanist, Christian, Muslim or Jew, you have the right to worship as you deem fit.

William K. Wolfrum's picture

Gay Equality will help make "Life, Liberty & Pursuit of Happiness" less of a joke

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


William K. Wolfrum's picture

Karzai Keeps Presidency, names Andre Agassi as Afghanistan's 'Drug Czar'

KABUL - Proud citizens stood outside the home of Hamid Karzai this morning, cheering the re-election of the Afghanistan President after Afghan officials canceled Saturday’s run-off presidential vote following the withdrawal from the race of the last challenger, Abdullah Abdullah.


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Personal Information

William K. Wolfrum is an American journalist and writer residing in Brazil. Wolfrum's experience's consist of being a bartender, bouncer, carny, amateur boxer and commercial fisherman, which he talks about all the time, thinking it makes him some sort of tough guy. Wolfrum has been published or mentioned in the New York Times, Boston Globe, Toronto Star, and a bunch of other newspapers and magazines. Wolfrum is a two-time Alaska Press Club Award winner who hopes to someday win other awards so he doesn't have to talk about those two anymore.


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