The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    jollyroger's picture

    Ambassadors of Conscience

    It seems that notwithstanding a pathological level of data ingestion, I overlooked (maybe you did too....) the significance of the award to Colin Kaepernick by Amnesty International (whose doings normally register on me, i swear it...).


    So, it seems, Amnesty gave him this year's "Ambassador of Conscience award.


    "Get tht sonofabitch off the field and up here to get his statuette!"


    The fat fuck in the White House has usefully informed us this week that the protests sparked by Kaepernick address issues not germane to their proponents.

    How to Break Up with Donald Trump

    How to Break Up with Donald Trump: The psychology of why you can’t look away — and how to do it anyway

    Even if her how-to advice doesn't work out for everyone, it is absolutely the best analysis of the TrumpTroll topic I have read, bar none. Such clarity is a rare skill.

    By Catherine Price @, Aug. 2

    Bernie in Kansas: Trump an Immoral Lying Coward

    Unite for America Rally, Wichita, Kansas, July 20, 2018.  Bernie: “We must have gotten off at the wrong stop because people told me Kansas was a Republican state,” Sanders thundered. “It doesn't look like it.”

    Sanders and Democratic rising star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez came to Wichita to rally on behalf of James Thompson, running for Kansas’ 4th Congressional District seat. The crowd nearly filled the 5,000-capacity hall at the Century II Convention and Performing Arts Center.


    Simple flowchart:

    — vinton g cerf (@vgcerf) July 19, 2018

    P.S. He also says must watch the illusion of truth.

    GOP: Brings Spanish Inquisition to Arizona Pharmacies

    NPR: When 35-year-old Nicole Arteaga walked into a Walgreens in Peoria, Ariz., last Wednesday, she was nine weeks pregnant. But, she says, her doctor had told her that her baby's development had stopped.....Arteaga says the doctor gave her two options: a surgical procedure or a prescription medication, misoprostol. Misoprostol is approved by the Food and Drug Administration for what is called a medical abortion....

    That explains it.

    A woman, psychologist perhaps, on MSNBC argues Trump's gravest fear is being exposed as being a financial failure.

    Someone (maybe her?) argues that at some point, on the brink of a massive bankruptcy, he was saved only by an infusion of Russian cash arranged by you know who.

    Which explains reneging on his promise to reveal his tax records. And the collu...meetings at the Trump Tower "to discuss adoptions."

    Richard Day's picture


    Ike shows up in Bonn.

    And the Germans (whom Ike had hit pretty badly just a few years before) all cheer Ike and America.

    Richard Day's picture

    NATO & US

    President Trump: Adds 2 Aircraft Carriers to USN Chesapeake Bay Fleet

    July 4, 2021 - President Trump will add two new Gerald Ford Class nuclear aircraft carriers to the Chesapeake Bay Fleet, the premier eastern Navy group which replaced the Atlantic Fleet. CINCLantFleet, the Atlantic Fleet, was mothballed after the demise of NATO in 2019. The Chesapeake Bay fleet, in Navy parlance, CINCPeakeFleet, has 5 nuclear carriers and 165 other warships which patrol the Chesapeake Bay between Virginia and Maryland. Occasional operations in the Atlantic seaboard are carried out in conjunction, and with the approval, of the Russian Navy.  President Putin asked for that gesture, and said he considers use of the CINCPeakeFleet resources beyond 10 miles from the US shore to be a serious and unnecessary provocation. An annual Fleet regatta within that 10 miles occurs off the coast of Florida at the President's resort at Mar-a-Lago every year on June 14, the President's birthday.

    Some Heresy on Immigration

    Just thinking out loud here about possible legitimate avenues moving away from rather than further into the current mess.

    Key elements of today's GOP and GOP constituencies act like an increasingly cornered endangered species.  They are reacting in desperation, now while they may believe they still have a chance to do something about it.  This seems to be a major reason why the immigration issue is such a flashpoint now.  Demographic, along with what they believe or assume to be inevitable cultural, dread.

    This is why we can't have nice things in NYC

    Tom Arnold's Plan B

    I still have hopes for the right comic(s) peeling off some of the Trump fan base. They've just been stymied by the fact that he started out as a caricature from the getgo.This sounds promising to me. He got fans from his The Apprentice rep as Mr. Genius Tough Billionaire and he's still playing the same character as president:

    Trump on Reporters, Hate Them, Wouldn't Kill Them

    On the Campaign Trail, Grand Rapids Michigan



    The Immigrant Problem: June, 1896

    The Atlantic has put this opinion piece from its archive up for free access:

    Restriction of Immigration

    "The question to-day is ... of protecting the American rate of wages, the American standard of living, and the quality of American citizenship from degradation through the tumultuous access of vast throngs of ignorant and brutalized peasantry from the countries of eastern and southern Europe."

    jollyroger's picture

    No Senate quorum before 2019!

    Desperate times call for desperate measures.



    Fortune having delivered  us into the maw of Trump The Destroyer, she has also delivered the invalided John McCain, who may well be absent from the Senate for the duration.



    Pence can break a tie, but he does not count towards the 51 Senators required to do business.



    They may have to kidnap Manchin, McCaskill and Heitcamp,but it's a plan.

    How to get medical records and bills

    Just sharing, just ran across this fabulous tweet:

    jollyroger's picture

    Ya Moqtada! A young gun comes of age.

    Among the several crimes against intelligence that adorn the record of the post invasion imperium in Iraq, the attempt to prosecute frame the son of an Ayatollah (himself martyred by Saddam) for the murder of a collaborating Mullah stands out...

    Moqtada al-Sadr was not only an aspiring Ayatollah in his own right, he was also commander of one of the two or three most powerful militias in Baghdad--they call part of Baghdad Sadr City.

    Forget Oz, it's Salvador Dali's world now, Toto

    Tom Arnold says he's teaming up with Michael Cohen and 'taking Trump down'

    By Avery Anapol @, June 22

    Comedian Tom Arnold said Friday that he and President Trump’s former longtime personal lawyer are teaming up to “take down” the president.

    Arnold tweeted a photo with Michael Cohen on Thursday with the caption "I Love New York," which Cohen retweeted without comment.

    jollyroger's picture

    Bolton to announce the "Gaza Model"

    The esteemed author of the diplomatic hand grenade otherwise known as "The Libya Model" is turning his national security chops to the southern border contretemps.


    He will shortly announce the inevitable product of his careful reasoning, consistent with the need to enforce zero tolerance tempered by the prohibition on locally.concentrated internment (see what I did there?)  mandated  by PR prudence.



    Richard Day's picture


    I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London, that a young healthy child well nursed, is, at a year old, a most delicious nourishing and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricasie, or a ragoust.
