The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    Trump COVID 19 Timeline, Updated

    1/6 - Chinese first describe the new virus.

    1/8 -CDC issues warning on virus, Intelligence community waving "red flags" as it "did before 9/11"

    1/14 - Trump has campaign rally, New Hampshire.

    Morris Dancing

       It wasn't until today that I saw Benny Morris' piece in the Atlantic that Artapraiser posted.  There are distortions in Morris' take on the Arab-Israeli conflict that I'd like to address.

    Joe's Plan was in the NYTimes for Easter Sunday

    Joe Biden: My Plan to Safely Reopen America

    An effective strategy to beat the virus is the ultimate answer to how we get our economy back on track

    The star of the NYTimes' op-ed section for April 12, it was accompanied by a large close-up portrait that I at first thought was a youngish Geo. Bush Sr.

    jollyroger's picture

    He is risen, let us gloat...

    From my peculiar perspective as a Sermon on the Mount (only) Christian, this would be, I think, an appropriate time to do a little anti-Yahwist gloating.


    Viz, even as they pack the pews, virtual or (shudder) real, the Yahwists will stumble upon mutiple references to the omnipotence and omnipresence (Not a sparrow falls but he sees all) of their gangser deity.


    In that epistomology, do they not wonder if something they have done has pissed him (always toxically masculine...) off?


    Old Republican dreams being killed by: current reality

    AOC's self-defeating side

    I do not think it is a good or helpful thing when AOC gloats sassy like this, it is the Bernie bro side of her, a major flaw. Cramer is someone who has always been into helping amateurs of modest means play the market and she comes across as a extreme left socialist harpie, which the GOP operatives greedily lap up:

    When late stage capitalism takes a selfie:

    We Do not have a lot of Time

    There are very important issues separating different views of what we should be doing as a country to address the problems confronting our polity.

    But we don't have a lot of time to do that.

    Push forward and make a plan.
    Or wait to see what other quislings do.

    jollyroger's picture

    Wisconsin is Rising Up!

    Subject to DoubleA's correction, (she being our resident expert on the mysterious cheesehead) it appears that we may be about to see a green fuckin' shoot.



    I hope I don't eat these words,  but perhaps they feel the fury....

    jollyroger's picture

    Hydroxychloroquine, what have you got to lose? Your mind...

    I had a friend, now deceasehd, who used to travel regularly to Africa on buisiness.


    Of course, he had to reckon with the risk of malaria, and he took several courses of Chloroquine prophylactically.  I remember at the time that the drug was associated with pretty impressive side effects, though I didn't investigate in detail.


    As the current kerfuffle unfolded over the use of this drug for Covid19, I was moved to revisit the topic:


    This is the list:


    The Biden Plan(s)

    First, messaging: no tribes, just Americans, and we're going to get through this together:

    We're going to get through this. Together.

    — Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) April 6, 2020

    To be continued as I see stuff...feel free to contribute.

    Mr. President, What is the Plan?

    Jake Tapper to Trump: This crisis requires a plan. Do you have one?


    jollyroger's picture

    Captain Crozier--No good deed goes unpunished....

    Capt. Brett Crozier, who sacrificed (what was up til now a brilliant career) himself for his men, has been diagnosed with the disease from which he went down fighting to save his crew.




    Zero sum game dimensional chess with lefties. Death is a eventual winner?

    How to Cope With a Pandemic by Being the Only Kind of Clown You Know How to Be

    — We need #TestAndTrace (@Noahpinion) April 4, 2020

    Gingerly reaching out to the big guys

    Katrina General Honoré: Condemns Trump Administration Disaster Response

    Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré, on Jared Kushner: "I don't believe he knows what the hell he is talking about."

    Commander of Joint Task Force Katrina: it's time for FEMA to hand some of this mission off to the DOD.



    jollyroger's picture

    The Trump Death

    Nancy Pelosi got hella shit for calling Covid19 


     "The Trump Virus".


    Historians disagree.


    The correct name for this disease, as far as the United States is concerned:




    That's how plague nomenclature works...


    The health system we were working with before this started

    In one picture, after the jump. Something to keep in mind. This is where we were at, Obamacare's effects were no longer making serious care accessible for anyone living paycheck to paycheck. Only a few basics were mandated fully covered. Everything else went absurdly sky high "asking price" and then the insurers negotiated things down in contracts. Constantly playing contractual games with providers. (So much so that sometimes even doctors didn't know if they were in plan or not. day to day, maybe the clinic he's at on Tuesday is under contract with Cigna while the one he's at on Thursday is not.) The patient still left with huge co-pays and/or deductibles:

    jollyroger's picture

    We are all Puerto Ricans now

    Maybe you remember how the AMERICANS on Puerto Rico were left without power, food, water, medicine and hope following the infliction upon their island of a natural disaster.


    The key statistic, the number of "excess deaths" that accrued in the (whole fuckin') year that painfully unfolded during which the Donald Trump and his Band of Bests not only failed effectively to intervene, but affirmatively used the crisis to loot and pillage.


    Trump should suspend our Iran sanctions.

    It's not in our interest to be seen to be causing them Coronavirus deaths.

    Or put it another way; it's wrong.

    His staff are perfectly capable of rearranging the flowers on the present. I won't suggest except to say sooner would be better  . People are dying.

    AOBTW. It would be in our interest to do it before the Maximum Leader decides

     to offer 50 or so  diseased  warrior an opportunity to a commodius location in heaven in exchange for

    them crossing  our border to have a cup of coffee some place that's open.

    "One can't believe impossible

     things." said Alice.
    "I daresay you haven't had much practice," said Donald. "When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

    Such as  there's  no global warming. Or I didn't need to prepare for  COVID 19.


    jollyroger's picture


    And the Lord God sent the Angel of Death, this time not for the first born only, but for all who worshipped at the demonic cult, and the pestilence was loosed amongst them.


    But upon the lintels of the houses of the pure, this symbol signaled to the Angel that within the dwelling none were to be harmed:


    librewolf's picture

    Living Clean and Reducing Risk of Infection

    We are living in a dangerous time, dealing with something the majority rarely, if ever, even consider – Fighting a contagious, and possibly deadly, microbe. It is a virus known as Covid-19. Many will be sickened, few will escape unscathed, and some of us will die. How many don’t die largely depends on their being able to protect themselves, but more importantly, it depends on the vigilance of everyone else. If you are in my place (the highest risk group) your heart just sank. And every time you watch/read/listen to the news your heart drops a bit further.

    I am not an expert, but I have been living with a double-lung transplant and suppressed immune system for going on 9 years. I also once worked for one of the largest sterilizer companies in the United States earlier in life. So here are my ideas, and what I am practicing, in these perilous times.
