The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    Hillary said "Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done"

    Here's an interesting poll related to that, I think:

    jollyroger's picture

    Hey Andrew Cuomo! Feel the Bern, (don't fuck the poor)

    Andrew Cuomo, admittedly, is no Mario Cuomo, so the fact that his father would rise from the grave and strangle in him his crib before seeing him patch his budget hole by ripping skin off Medicaid, should not distract us from the all out assault bei

    What would Tony Soprano do?

    Legal types get all het up by run-of-the-mill art-of-the-deal:

    Holy cow! He appears to be engaging in another quid pro quo right before our eyes. I don't know what to say but HOLY COW! NY must drop its lawsuits against him if New Yorkers want Global Entry status? HOLY COW!!! HOLY COW!!!

    — Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) February 13, 2020
    jollyroger's picture

    Mayor Pete--Intellectual heir of Gramsci...da fuque??

    Well, here is some good news!


    Turns out that Pete Buttigieg's late father Joseph (d. January, 2019) was a serious scholar whose areas of interest included James Joyce, and (wait for it....) Franz Fanon and Antonio Gramsci.



    Gramsci is the intellectual fount of Occupy Wall Street!


    The A squared solution.

    If Amy becomes our nominee,clearly Adam should be her running mate.

    Just kidding.


    New Hampsha Primary

    jollyroger's picture

    Fire up the Mint--AOC is tapped for Sec/Treas, Platinum Proof Coin to follow


    I am happy to report a precognitive flash (like the one I had that Trump would win in '16)


    It's Sanders in November, and he will tap AOC to run the Treasury.  (Stephanie Kelton will be Fed Chief when Powell expires).


    Succession untidiness will be obviated by Trump's timely election night stroke upon hearing Hannity call the election for Sanders.


    I love it when a plan comes together...

    They say it never rains in southern California

    jollyroger's picture

    General election. No debates, maybe no election.

    As a bonus worry for freedom loving Americans distressed by the ongoing electoral chaos, more than one commentator deconstructing the primary debates has cogently argued that Trump will never subject himself to debates going into the general.

    Hot Revenge on The Menu at the White House

    Vindman was escorted out of the White House minutes ago, per his lawyers.

    — Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) February 7, 2020


    Oh the Grand Old Duke

     of York.

    He had ten thousand men

    He marched them up the hill


    House impeachment actions                                   Trump’s Approval

                                                                                     per  538

    9 24 Pelosi announces  impeachment                      42.4%

    10 31  House resolution to start                                 40.7

    jollyroger's picture

    Dental implants! (Will no prosthodontist comp Biden a set?)

    Just breezed by Biden's CNN Town Hall, and to my untutored eye, he is having a really bad time with his upper plate..


    I know they are expensive, but, shit!  You're running for President, Dude!  Ditch the 19th century technology!


    It's nothing to me, but if I were a Biden fan, I''d start a Gofundme.

    Don't complain about IOWA

    Trump's usual crowing will have cost him some votes.

    Don't give them back by emulating him. Apart from other reasons not to, such as common courtesy.

    Complaints ought to be  limited to those who have never made a mistake.

    Like me!

    jollyroger's picture

    Rush Limbaugh spoke...and Jesus stretched forth his might arm...

    If you were finding your faith flagging, herewith reinforcement for believers.


    Rush Limbaugh's ticket to Hell has been punched, and it won't be a pleasant ride.


    Meanwhile, Samuel L Jackson responded with commentary



    Iowa Caucus News and Related Stuff

    NBC: John Kerry “was overheard Sunday on the phone at a Des Moines hotel explaining what he would have to do to enter the presidential race amid ‘the possibility of Bernie Sanders taking down the Democratic Party — down whole.’”

    — Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) February 2, 2020

    This is going viral among the pro-Trump set

    They see it as confirmation that the impeachment was not about anything serious, faux news, political witch hunt, kabuki show:

    From Fox News - Chuck Schumer scolds Kamala Harris for laughing with Sherrod Brown at impeachment presser, goes viral Chuck Schumer scolds Kamala Harris for laughing with Sherrod Brown at impeachment presser, goes viral

    — David (@b_beachcomber) February 1, 2020

    Wakeup: Trump Doesn't Need a Majority

    Wakeup call: Hitler was named Chancellor after getting only 36% of the vote.

    Gottwald in Czechoslovakia pulled a coup 2 years after the Communists got 38% of the vote.

    Boris Johnson just led the UK out of the EU with only 43.6% of the vote.

    Bush claimed a "mandate" after losing with only 47.9% of the vote, going to the Supreme Court to rubber stamp the vote theft.

    Trump's Russian & other pals helped him "win" 3 Midwest states by super thin margins via voter repression & hacking, and then block the investigations.

    Relying on the 2020 results to throw Trump out? Don't.

    When a man shows you what he's made of, believe him.

    Trump doesn't need to "win" - he just needs to stay in power. His cronies will help him do exactly that.

    Danger, Will Robinson, Danger.

    The Ministry of Togetherness

    Citizens who have dutifully uploaded their images to Facebook or other sites for use by the Party have shown their loyalty to Big Brother. We must seek to uncover those whose faces are not in the database. We must find them out, and send their pictures to the Ministry of Togetherness, what we once knew as Facebook. 

    Does Jay Sekulow

    approve of John?  John Bruton that is .

    How would Jay feel  about John being a Director of Burisma? Or Karen B. Peetz? Would she be OK?  Or Richard J Swift ?

    Would any/all  of them know sufficiently   more about oil extraction than Hunter Biden so Jay would be more comfortable with them in Burisma?

    Or ,come to think of it , should he have  given a damn?

    Of course not.

    Nor did he. Only to the extent that by posturing to care he could insert  an iota of pretend  credibility in his diatribe .      To fool you.

    jollyroger's picture

    Before you board that chopper...

    Amid the widespread grief over Kobe Bryant's death, a small lesson in the evils of "regulatory capture" is manifest, and the rich and powerful should pay attention.

    Most of us are familiar with the alarms that sound when a plane is on a trajectory that in pilot-speak understatement, is designated "a controlled flight into terrain." As the situation grows more urgent, a voice will be  generated shouting "PULL UP! PULL UP! PULL UP!"

    The warning is generated by a device called a TAWS (Terrain Awareness and Warning System). It costs about $37,000, plus $7000 in lost revenue for the downtime required to install. If you were rich enough to own your own helicopter, you would certainly want it equipped with one. Bryant, evidently, did not own his own helicopter, but instead used charters for his frequent air commutes.

    Radio Free Tom's Reality Check Twitter Lecture & Pep Talk

    Tribe : Dershowitz , wrong.

    Tuesday  10 45 EST on MSNBC  Lawrence Tribe explained why  Dershowitz was wrong. On Lawrence O'Donnell's show.

    I don't think McConnell's minions will be able to rest their case tomorrow  on Alan D.


    revised to correct mis spelling of O'Donnell's sur name

    Sigh. And Monday?

    Trump & Biden both lost.

    No further comment re Biden . Apart from anything else Trump lost by having ensured that his opponent won't be Biden. I like Joe, he's dead, 

    But one about Dershowitz. He was right before he changed his mind..To  a formulation in effect a slow burning  execution stake for the USA.  



    To merit impeachment the Pressy has had to have stolen an apple from a fruit stand.Or freed a slave. Or done something  else that was CRIME in 1790.

    Andrew Yang says Dems should be going on Fox News...

    Note that this Jan. 24 CBS tweet with a video of him saying that has 13,300 likes and 3,100 retweets. But the initial replies I see include a ton of negative and dismissive ones:

    .@AndrewYang says Democrats should be going on Fox News and criticizes the DNC for not letting the channel host a Democratic debate: "How can you win an election and bring the country together if you literally won't talk to 40 or 50% of the population?"

    — CBS News (@CBSNews) January 24, 2020

    I noticed it because it was retweeted a few minutes ago by Zaid Jilani, who I follow, with this comment:

    We won today

    The Democrats had a plan and the Reps had a train to catch..Or something. Maybe read about the Dixie Highway. Or  sing Dixie.Or the Horst Wessel Lied.

    If we started with a 53% chance of winning in November we ended with 53% + something.

    If you skipped it,  the Dems took advantage  of their  month's  preparation to locate their top 50 Impeachment vids  .  The Reps took advantage of it to practice repeating last month's script..

