Don qui jodes thee

    Jodido, simply jodido.
    Le Donald is passing on the Apprentice to whoever wants it.
    Situation normal, all fucked up - he's rounded the bend and headed on out to the great whatever.
    Even Cheney's appalled and that motherfucker never gets appalled. Donald's given a great smooch to the left - not so much from love, but he's never been that bad - he's an asshole sure enough, bit more of a blowhard asshole. Now he's bestowing Christmas gifts - the charade's over.

    I know the Leytonstone station

    it was on our Underground route into London from Stanford Rivers.  Pretty grim, but the Tube got you to where you were going. And safe, not that we gave that much thought. I told my friend Bob (son of the local police chief here) that the Brit police didn't carry guns and were almost never injured. . Eliciting the sour retort that London was safe for the police and the crooks.

    Steven Salaita Not Begging in Beirut

    Remember the ethnic Arab academic, Steven Salaita, an American born citizen who couldn't help broadcasting anti-Israel social media 'hate speech'  in 2014, sample:

    "Zionist uplift in America: every little Jewish boy and girl can grow up to be the leader of a murderous colonial regime."

    "If (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu appeared on TV with a necklace made from the teeth of Palestinian children, would anybody be surprised?"

    Richard Day's picture


    Trump just got to me again.

    I found this quote on the KO's:

    The other thing with terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. When they say they don't care about their lives, you have to take out their families."

    Collateral Damage is a wonderful term, do you not think.

    Diane Rehm Panel on Chicago Cop Case

    Listened to the Diane Rehm Show this AM, 2 December, transcribed some phrases/comments by the guests in 'stream of notes' by panel, tried to use actual words spoken.

    The facts and discussion by the participants did not leave an impression that major change in Chicago and its cops/attorney/mayor departments is going to be easy.

    The guests:

    A Step Back on Tolerance

    Bob Somerby's been advocating a bit of withholding judgment until facts are in, and presents 2 pretty compelling instances. 1 was a piece of tape over the face of black professors' photos, the 2nd was a noose hanging at Duke.

    Richard Day's picture


    I have come to realize that my voice is irrelevant.

    Beck feels that he is not irrelevant.
    But Beck has millions of followers and Beck makes hundreds of millions of dollar, every damn year.
    So how could Beck be irrelevant?

    Limbaugh decided that he is not irrelevant. 
    And Rush has millions of followers and he makes hundreds of million dollars everydamn year. 
    So how in the hell would Rush ever feel he was irrelevant?

    Danny Cardwell's picture

    Immoral Morality, Hyper Hypocrisy, and America's Denial of Domestic Terrorism

    Australian philosopher and Princeton professor Peter Singer developed a thought experiment in which he asked people if they would jump into a swimming pool to save a drowning child if it meant ruining a thousand dollar suit. Every person asked, without hesitation, answered yes they would jump in to save a drowning child. Then he asked the participants to send the thousand dollars they saved by not jumping in a pool to a charity that helps children dying overseas. This was a much tougher proposition. It’s hard to make sacrifices for people half a world away, harder when they pray to a “different God”, and even harder when they don’t look like you.

    We Are Now Being Too Politically Correct

    Apparently, climate change and racism are now "boutique issues".

    The right-wing press has been issued orders to paint the Liberals/Left (commies, marxists) as being PC pansies who are biting their own tongues in an effort to stifle Amer'ca.

    Just sayin'.


    Ben Carson Solves Syria's Problem

    And in the news today..Ben Carson visited Syria this weekend, and determined that the refugees don't want to come here because they are all happy in their refugee camps over there...or WILL be, once they have water, food, clothing, plumbing and electricity. Dr. Carson says that the US should simply donate funds independently, like, say, through PayPal or their local church.

    Case solved, Dr. Carson! Yay for you!

    tmccarthy0's picture

    The Case for Hillary Clinton: Health Care Policy Experience

    Everyone knows I think Hillary Clinton is Bernie Sanders; equal. But if we were to be very truthful, she is more than his equal, because she has had to fight harder to get here. I'm serious about that, she even had to fight harder to get me.

    In 2008, I was not a Hillary fan at all. I was 100% for the President.  I didn't think she proved herself (I was wrong about that). But I chose Obama, and while I am glad that I did, I want to say this, Hillary Clinton is a loyal big d and little d, democrat. She is the equal of every man and woman running, including Bernie Sanders. She has deep experience crafting policy and understands how to get legislation passed.  

    jollyroger's picture

    trump, trump, rhymes with chump, wedge his whities in a lump...

    The recent closing of the New York Military Academy has provided armchair psychologists with an illuminating anecdote from the formative years of the Republican front runner

    . According to a person familiar with the facts, when the school closed, files from the guidance counselor previously held in strict confidentiality were inadvertently consigned to a dumpster instead of being shredded as intended. They were retrieved.

    OUR Town

    Here in NEPA we have a free newsletter that is distributed in supermarkets, local shops, delis, laundromats, etc. And this guy that owns this newsletter always writes an editorial piece on the front page. Well, this week's front page has a nice Thanksgiving image on the cover, but the title of this guy's piece basically says, "WTF do we have to be thankful for??" and he proceeds to do his usual tirade about politics that takes up two pages.

    Norman Pollack and re Reed Plow Similar Ground

    I have nothing to add to these two pieces and little to say about them other than that I find them both "interesting" and, in the case of the second one, amusing. Maybe some here at Dag will too and maybe take them as food for thought as I also do. Fred does not mind stepping on toes or kicking shins and while I think he sometimes goes beyond the place where I would lay the line, I make it a point to read him regularly. 

     If, as may happen, I am otherwise engaged for a while, I will take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. 

    Richard Day's picture



    Everybody makes mistakes for chrissakes!Thanksgiving grace 1942.jpg

    But what counts as a straight-out lie?

    Palin, of course talks to god.

    Orion's picture

    Review: The Man in the High Castle

    Man in the High Castle is a new series based off of the 1962 book by author Philip K. Dick. The original book portrays a world in which Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany were victorious in the second world war, with the result being a world split up between the Axis forces. The former United States, where the book is set, is cut in to three pieces - the Japanese Pacific States on one end, the neutral zone, which doesn't align with either and remains as close to the old U.S. and one could still be.

    Marco Rubio's Islamic Dreams

    Marco Rubio, from interview with Marco Rubio in the UK Guardian:

    “The only way to defeat Isis is for Sunni Arabs themselves to reject them ideologically and defeat them militarily,” Rubio said. “They must be defeated on the ground with a ground force that is made up primarily of Arab Sunni fighters from Iraq, from Syria, but also from Jordan, from Egypt, from the Emirates, from Saudi Arabia.”

    Orion's picture

    Twin Burdens: Child Care Costs and Living in Seattle

    “Family values” is spoken of often in politics. It usually alludes to incredibly superficial issues – same sex marriage or abortion being among them. The actual politics of raising a family in this society are not mentioned often.

    It’s incredibly expensive to raise a child in this country. Daniel Marans, a reporter for the Huffington Post, said that, in many states, it is actually “more expensive than college.” More specifically, the cost of child care for one infant exceeded that of the cost of in state tuition at a public four year university.

    Richard Day's picture


    Ted Cruz, official portrait, 113th Congress.jpg

    Do you ever have it with somebody?

    We have two or three or ten countries within E PLURIBUS UNUM.

    trkingmomoe's picture

    Nina Turner Has Joined The Sanders' Campaign

    A few years ago Ohio State Senator Nina Turner burst on to the National Stage with her criticism of voter suppression in Ohio.  She has a unique style of getting her point across when she speaks.  The day she stood in front of MSNBC camera with a tee shirt that told the GOP to stay out of her panties, was the day I became of fan of hers.  Sometimes a women has to do what a women got to do to draw attention to a wrong, that includes being bombastic.  

    Richard Day's picture


    The US Supreme Court has ofttimes used a 'balancing formula' to decide its cases over the last 80 years or so.

    Individual interests vs. societal interests:,_Jr.


    political interests vs. money:


    the interests of the many vs. the interests of every goddamn moneyed prick who owns this country


    Anyway, my understanding of this nation is that we citizens must balance interests.

    Enough already

    Juan Cole may take a long time getting there but ends by saying Isis has to be wiped out.If the link doesn't work go to his blog "Informed Comment" , which it is.



    synchronicity's picture


    This week many organizations will join together to fight the passage of the Trans-Pacific Partnership also known as the TPP.

    Hillary Clinton worked on the TPP as Secretary of State. She even said in 2012 that the TPP is ‘the gold standard of trade agreements.’


    Dem Debate Tonight (Open Thread for Reactions)

    O'Malley did a good job of pushing at the front runners, now and then.  And he had some smart little soundbites, here and there.

    But Clinton and Sanders ran 41 to 40 percent interest all night, in CBS polling.

    About what I expected.

    What I walked away with, tonight, is that Clinton is great, but Sanders is doing almost as good in the polls and opinions.  What I walked away with, tonight, is that people ARE taking Bernie Sanders seriously....including Hillary.


    Closing the Borders

    President Hollande has closed the borders of France. The attack has been acknowledged as an act of war. What France does in the near future may not be a continuation of the politics of the Euro Zone that it has bound itself to in the past.
