The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Ramona's picture

These Children Are Lost and They've Entered Our Village


Thousands of Latin American children have been arriving in the U.S. over the weeks and months, in scenarios more like that of a fictitious screenplay than of real life.  Out-of-control gangs, drug cartels, and corrupt government officials are the antagonists in horror stories of a kind we can only imagine. Poverty, exploitation, rape, torture, murder--so common now in Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, there is little chance those countries will ever float free.

Ramona's picture

Today Five Members of the U.S. Supreme Court Moved Us Closer to a Theocracy


Today the Supreme Court ruled that private, family-owned businesses--in this case, Hobby Lobby--could opt out of paying for contraceptives if their objections to them are based on the owners' religious beliefs.

The case came to the attention of the Supremes when the Affordable Care Act included this mandate:

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What Does The Death Of Cursive Mean?


As someone who dreaded Penmanship class, and who always–and I mean always–got poor grades in it, let me just say if writing in cursive goes away I’ll be right up there in front mourning the loss.  (Cursive:  flowing letters all connected to make one word.  What we used to call “handwriting”.)

We learned the Palmer Method in grade school, where every letter had to follow a pattern and fit between the lines, and where loops and curlicues had to loop and curl, but not too little or too much.  Just right.

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Hate And The "Patriots": Like Watching One Long Horror Movie, Wondering Who Dies Next.


In an insightful article about the upsurge in anti-government hate groups and the murderous rampages they spawn, John Avlon calls them "Hatriots"--those people claiming that true constitutional patriotism requires them to disavow, disown, and destroy the United States government--and anyone who g

Ramona's picture

Thank You, Maya Angelou, for Your Magical Words. And for Being You.


We got word that Maya Angelou died today.  When her picture flashed on the TV this morning I held my breath, hoping it wasn't bad news.  When they announced that she was gone, I shouldn't have been shocked, considering her age (86) and ill health, but it took me a few minutes because it never occurred to me that she might someday leave this earth.

Ramona's picture

A Flag Is What We Make It


In the 21st century controversy over the legitimacy of the 19th century Confederate battle flag, one question remains unanswered:  What does it mean to those who want to fly it?

The answer:  Anything they want it to mean.

Ramona's picture

Monica, Bill and the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy


Monica Lewinsky is now 40 years old.  In the late 1990s, when she was barely into her twenties, she met Bill Clinton, flirted a bit and caught his attention.  Before long she was having an affair with the President of the United States.  Heady stuff for a bedazzled young girl and of course she had to tell somebody.

Ramona's picture

Derange Wars: The Cliven Bundy Story


There is a rancher out in Nevada named Cliven Bundy who has been using government land to graze his cattle. His family has been doing it for what seems like ages, always paying their grazing fees to the Federal government, but some 20 years ago the Feds told him he had to move his cattle off a section that was protected.  He quit paying his fees in protest but he didn't move his cattle.

Ramona's picture

But we don't need no gov'mint interference

Hey all you smarties (and you know who you are), how about chewing on this for a while?  There was a time when we built things and got things done.  We did it as a nation, with national pride and national inclusion.  It felt like we were a real country.  What happened?

Ramona's picture

Detroit's Rivera Murals are now a Historic Landmark. Bloch and Dimitroff Would be So Proud

Great news today:  The Diego Rivera "Industry" murals at the Detroit Institute of Arts have been designated a National Historic Landmark.  Before we get too excited and actually think this will allow us to breathe easier about the ridiculous but real threat of a forced sale of certain treasures at the DIA, this is an honor more honorary than it is concrete.


TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Blog entryLoving Shakespeare's Language, Then and Now Doctor Cleveland249 years 3 months ago
Blog entryHillary Clinton and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week HSG499 years 3 months ago
Blog entryThe Hopelessness of Homelessness - A Guest Post Ramona119 years 3 months ago
Reader blogThe Ice Cream Man for President? Why Not? MrSmith1319 years 3 months ago
Blog entryIn Praise of Fred Rogers Doctor Cleveland99 years 3 months ago
Blog entryLabor Day, Brought to You By Unions Everywhere Ramona69 years 3 months ago
Reader blogThis Is Gonna Sound Ugly, But Let's Keep It Real And Save Our Children, Black Folks Wattree549 years 3 months ago
Blog entryThe Nothingness of Donald Trump Ramona379 years 3 months ago
Blog entryPlease, Joe, Don't Run Ramona99 years 3 months ago
Blog entry#berniesoblack HSG159 years 3 months ago
Reader blogA Message To Black Lives Matter Danny Cardwell329 years 4 months ago
Blog entryIs it time for Hillary Clinton to withdraw from the race for President? HSG489 years 4 months ago
Blog entryTodd Courser: You're Sure That's Just Tea You're Drinking? Ramona169 years 4 months ago
Blog entryMind the Gap! HSG759 years 4 months ago
Blog entryTrumpamania Michael Maiello189 years 4 months ago
LinkRecordings: State rep asked aide to hide relationship wabby119 years 4 months ago
LinkBLM Loudmouths, Bigots Force Sanders from Event NCD439 years 4 months ago
Blog entryThe GOP Debates: That's Entertainment Ramona209 years 4 months ago
Blog entryMy Response to "You're White and Marched with Dr. King: So what?" HSG889 years 4 months ago
Reader blogRUSH JUST GOT TO ME, AGAIN! Richard Day659 years 4 months ago
Reader blogLIVE TAKE ON FIRST REPUB DEBATE; FOX Richard Day1639 years 4 months ago
Reader blogRE: You’re White and Marched With Dr. King: So What? Wattree659 years 4 months ago
Reader blogPhil Griffin, MSNBC, are you nuts? Oxy Mora389 years 4 months ago
