The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Danny Cardwell's picture

    My Latest for Faithfully Magazine

    When Jerry Falwell Sr. replaced Jim Bakker at his Praise The Lord organization following rape allegations and a hush-money payment to Jessica Hahn, he ultimately refused to defend him. Falwell Sr. publicly described Bakker as "the greatest scab and cancer on the face of Christianity in 2,000 years of church history." One generation later, Jerry Falwell Jr. has appeared on every major cable news network to defend the exact same behavior his father condemned...

    Read the rest at:



    Monday's IDF commander was not a war criminal.

    It's absolutely impossible to say who was "responsible" for that day's 60 deaths. The unspoken assumption underlying a lot of Monday's press coverage is that Israel was to blame. Rightly so?

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Michael Cohen and AT&T

    To me, the most striking thing about AT&T paying Michael Cohen for, I guess, “advice” about how the Trump Administration might handle the Time Warner-AT&T merger is what a waste of money it was.  If AT&T thought that Cohen could influence Trump in favor of the deal, it was money ill-spent.

    Silver Lining: the Skin I'm Not In

    Realizing AR/VR will make this appropriation "problem" mainstream everpresent  explosive inevitable or go away completely. With Second Life 15 years ago you could make your own avatars and virtual worlds, appropriating whatever you wanted to from whomever and whatever. With Augmented and Virtual Reality, you no longer have to build your own worlds an characters - these are just new skins and templates in various libraries and pulled real-time out of real life. I don't even need to see *you* as you want - I can make you into a Tongan warrior princess (Maiello) or an effete Broadway theater goer (Peter) or a pack of feral kidney-craving zombies (all of you). I can change these instantly, or choreograph you lip-syncing to Justin Bieber or baying at the moon or giving a spanking to Donald Trump while watching Shark Tank. You will no longer be in control of your own image - your $100 hairdo can be remodeled in a moment to a depression-era bowl cut. Not into tattoos? You are now, right on the _ _ _ _. Weight problem? I just gave you anorexia (and a skin disease - sorry, got a bit carried away).

    Bronze Medal: why can't I change my skin?

    Set off by Vogue & Gigi Hadid's "scandal" over a bronzed up photo shoot, I'm amazed by what we can or cannot do. I can go to a tanning salon or the Bahamas to get as dark as can be, put on Smokey Eye and that's presumably fine. I can go into plastic surgery and give myself tits, tighter abs, a smooth face, almond eyes with a pert nose, and of course do my hair style in whatever manner or color (presumably - maybe some are off limits). If I transition to a woman, people will be supporting my right to use other bathrooms and not be discriminated against, and gender and sexual preference is a matter of what I "identify" with. If I dress up as an outrageous transvestite woman as Rudy Giuliani did, I'd just be a good sport, showing solidarity with LGBTQ. The Village People could costume up as whatever as part of the fun. De Niro could tubby up superfat to play Jake La Motta, and Daniel Day-Lewis could get in line with the intricacies and nuances of Cerebral Palsy to play Christy Brown, while dressing drag was the key plot device in Academy winners Some Like It Hot and Mrs. Doubtfire.

    But as a high school girl discovered, it's not okay to put on a Chinese dress (unless willing to take 1000's of Twitter condemnations). As kids are discovering, it's not okay to be Pocahantas on Halloween. As Gigi Hadid found out, fake tans are only allowed so far before "appropriation" kicks in. Presumably Adam & the Ants could never regroup and keep the  Indian  Native American regalia. Rachel Dolezal discovered that "identifying as black" wasn't enough, even though she followed that up with action & involvement.

    Richard Day's picture


    I used to hate David Frum.

    I took over five or seven hours listening to him lately; as he admonishes the idiots who voted for Trump.

    Every historical analysis involves context.

    I never knew David Frum.

    I never met with Mr. Frum.


    Michael Maiello's picture

    Ross Douthat: Sexual Moronae

    Of course, Ross Douthat is writing about the "Incels," which are guys who can't get laid and then turn to the dark side of blaming women for their sexual failures and mostly ranting online about it. Spoiler alert for the cultural infinity wars: Ross thinks that lefties are equally to blame for the attitudes of men who think they're owed a screw.  Further spoiler alert -- like an incel waking from a deep sleep, Douthat is all wet.

    Danny Cardwell's picture

    Money: Living Without Enough Of It

    Money can’t buy you love or solve all of your problems, but it can alleviate a lot of the stress we feel.

    Inflation is real! There are very few commodities or services that are the same price (or cheaper) now than they were just a few years ago. With all of the economic pressure we face, is it possible to responsibly plan for the future while enjoying the fruits of your labor?

    Richard Day's picture


    In just a few hours  we shall be entertained, once again with the White House Correspondence Dinner.

    Once every year, the PRESS (as it is wont to be called) coagulates at some strange meeting place and makes fun of the POTUS.

    This is kind of like a combination of All Hallow's Eve and April Fool's Day.

    However, and it is a big however, the current POTUS is going to skip the festivities.

    I think that his absence has something to do with this event as it occurred in 2011.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Our Narrow Focus on Subsistence and Working for the Economy

    There are two pieces in the Times today, separated by the chasm of sections and seemingly unconnected, that to me tell and interesting story.

    jollyroger's picture

    Trump Taint strikes: VA administrator designate death watch

    Trump is like the Bernoulli effect at the bottom of a toilet--a whirlpool that sucks in all who venture close.

    Poor Ronny Jackson!  Served multiple presidents with no exposure of his flaws, widely respected and liked.

    Obama liked him.

    All he had to do was slight science for sycophancy in his White House Physician's report on Trump's health, and next thing you know, he's under the predictable nominee scrutiny lens.

    Hi jinks ensue...

    "Irony my Shirt": 18 months on

    It's 18 months past the stolen election, and we can itemize different ways it was stolen/cheated/rigged, even if all the testimony and indictments haven't come through yet. There's enough to piece together. Not just the politics, but the whole background of criminality and illegal hidden influence. And of course the successful effort to start tearing apart our government (put in place those determined to destroy what they're in charge of - hardly subtle).

    Michael Maiello's picture

    It's Fine To Destroy Wells Fargo

    To most people, and for good reason, a bank is a bit like a doctor's office or a mechanic's. It is supposed to employ experts who give well-meaning advice in areas where the lay person, busy with work, friends and family, cannot be an expert.  Yes, there is potential for abuse in this.  My doctor could milk me for a lot of money by convincing me I am sick when I am not.  A mechanic could scam me for a new flux capacitator.  A consumer banker could push me into inappropriate loans or sell me investment products that are too expensive or that I don't need.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Don Corleone's Guide to Attorney-Client Privilege

    So the President of the United States is very concerned, and very confused, about attorney-client privilege. Let me try to explain, using the example of Tom Hagen from The Godfather. Why The Godfather? Two reasons. First, I want to. Second, I have a terrible suspicion that some of Trump's misunderstanding comes from watching the Godfather movies. (He does love TV.) Trump reportedly believes any meeting that has a lawyer in the room is protected by attorney-client privilege, and oh my sweet God is that not true.

    Gini Thomas & GOP Trivializing of the Holocaust

    Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, shared on her Facebook page a series of posts critical of the survivors of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting, who have become vocal advocates for gun control. Thomas shared a post Monday that included a pile of shoes from people killed during the Holocaust. The post was directed at students who walked out their classrooms last month to protest gun violence.

    Fall River

    As my sainted Aunt Nellie used to say, if you´re looking for Compassion, try the Dictionary. Under C.

    Joe and Bonnie get the feeling that things ain´t what they used to be. Because they aren´t...And can´t be. Because when Reagan cut the maximum incremental rate from 70 to 30%, things stopped being what they used to be.

    You can´t get 20 lbs into a 10 lbs bag. If the overall growth of national wealth is 3% and that of the upper 50% is 10%......a funny thing happens to Joe and Bonnie´s share. I know because I just tried it using match sticks.

    EPA's Pruitt to Get New Airborne Division For Protection

    US Army Forces Command has been ordered by President Trump to form a new Airborne Division of 5,000 to protect his EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt.

    Mr. Pruitt had complained that his 19 full time body guards and 19 armored vehicles dedicated solely to protect him in his dangerous job were inadequate and insufficient for the threat vectors in the Oklahoma-Washington DC environment. He has demanded that in addition to more personnel, he required paratroops with heavy weapons drop capability to safely navigate the Washington DC area where he resides. A C-5 with airdrop capability will be in the air 24/7 over DC when Administrator Pruitt is in the area. Whether munitions will include non-strategic nuclear weapons, and what types of warheads,has not been answered and is considered classified information.

    “Roseanne” and the Divided States

    I was not among the 18M who tuned in to the reboot of the “Roseanne” television show. The lead characters on the series are Trump supporters. Roseanne Barr is a Trump supporter in real life. For me, there is nothing to see. Barr received a congratulatory call from Donald Trump, further sealing the idea that this is not my type of show. Black Twitter had a mostly negative response to the show, but some loved the nostalgia and attempt to show both sides of the argument. At some point we will get a racial breakdown of the audience. Roseanne’s sister is the white Liberal on the show, and if the article is accurate, seems to be a caricature. In a NYT op-ed, Roxane Gay points out that “Roseanne” attempts to normalize Trump. Trump is a bigot, racist, and homophobe. The show tries to sugarcoat the obvious fact by have a black granddaughter (with few lines), and a gender option dressing grandson. The Liberal sister does not challenge Roseanne about Trump’s racism or LGBT comments. In fact, Roseanne forgives her sister for not voting for Trump.

    Citizens, Can We Game the Census too?

    If Republicans can game the census with citizenship questions, which may dissuade an entire family of citizens from participating in it if there is one non-citizen in the home.......can legal citizens counter-game it?

    Say you are a Democrat in a district and state that goes heavy Republican, should you decline to participate in the census?

    Richard Day's picture


    Stormy Daniels 2015.jpg

    Okay, so CBS 60 Minutes will present the storm of the year review.

    Trump's old pay for sex partner shall appear.

    Just waiting for the end of the NCAA Basketball thingy to end; it is now in overtime.

    No. 1 Kansas v. No. 2 Duke.

    I do not care even if I should.

    Speaking of overtime.

    This dalliance, as you might recall occurred just shortly following the birth of Donald's last kid (we think?) whom we never get to see.

