The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    The short unhappy coming ¨Recovery.¨


    1. Recovery begins, sort of. During June. In Texas but not everywhere.

    2. @ July 1 Pandemic  resumes. In Texas.

    3. Labor  Department  circulates draft  reinforcing existing  Health regs on   Industry's obligations

    4.Insurance industry intervene 's to side track  3

    5. Trump supports 4. 

    6.Congress  supports 3

    7 Mitch doesn 't

    8 Biden  is elected and it becomes our problem. Good.

    Good example showing there's nobody vetting Trump's tweets

    Means 1, Ends 0,get over it.

    Since before Senaca last distracted himself from Philosophical endeavors by noting the recumbent bodies on the way to the water an old reliable philosophical  time
    waster has been   whether ,or to what extent ,Ends , justify the Means.

    Not among the t-wasters was  Clausewi,tz with his clear  view about God ´s  overwhelming affinity for the ¨big battalions" . Particularly ones  deploying gas.

    In the essentially non existent ¨Restoration""debate R =s  more deaths. Of course there will be an unquantifiable

    Hmmm, Never Trumpers want to see him run with the Obamagate thing

    obviously thinks it will be totally counterproductive:

    Counterculture "populism"

    75th anniversary of VE day

    Was there, lived through it. Never paid much attention to that Brexit thing?

    DoJ Craziness Thread

    DoJ claims they can't release Mueller grand jury info to House.

    DoJ starts withdrawing Flynn cases.

    What else?

    The Black Intellectual & The Condition of the Culture

    Fascinating longish read to take one's mind off of coronavirus, discovered @ Arts & Letters Daily with the intro. “The secret of black intellectuals is that we have other interests.” Darryl Pinckney, Margo Jefferson, and others discuss race and intellectual life... more »

    so what happened


    When social distancing was recommended  six states announced they wouldn´t participate

    and I listed them here.How have they done  since then?


                            April 10                     20th               Today

    Nevada              2571                        3800              5695

    North Dakota       293                          600               1266

    South Dakota      528                         1140               2721

    Joe is branding up: got it together; snappy

    and neither crochety nor foggy

    There's a plan. He knows what it is. And can explain it well.

    "We're here to solve problems" (Been there, learned that--Windows--problems? wink) Working with W.H.O. Highly recommend spending the time to listen. Ignore the Trump clown side show for a while and listen to what's really going on. Extremely reassuring about the "fear of the unknown" thing. I haven't seen Dr. Sanjay Gupta smile so much in a real long time!

    Part 4: CNN coronavirus town hall (April 30)

    I have heard the mermaids singing each to each,

    you know how it goes,

    For me it brings to mind  Obie who spent the 20s as a submariner- although he was lucky enough to surface in the 40s commanding a cruiser. But mostly when  I thought  in that direction it was about  stranded subs at the bottom with massive rescue craft  above. With the highest intention  of the officers below permanently assigned for the first sign of  someone deciding to unscrew a  hatch and fix th ings. Forever.

    Like Donald.

    So , waiter make it

     Donald ‘s final , and last, role of the dice. . Because , sadly ,we  probably  can’ t yet completely stop , while a portion of his ¨base¨ still agrees that  he should be indulged in attempting to ¨ restore”¨the economy”.(Perhaps with  Secretary of Treasury  Jared    moving to   660 Sixth Avenue- cut down his commute.)

    What we may be able , and should certainly try to  do, is to make sure it’s final. And  only.

    Trump's Test Plan Epic Nothingburger

    The Trump  'plan', summary from the pdf:

    "Federal Government

    • Publish guidelines for Opening Up America Again ...

    State, Local, and Tribal Governments

    • Develop testing plans  ..."

    jollyroger's picture

    13 super spraders.Airports had Europe flight pille ups in March In April it was on like Donkey Kong.



    On Friday March 16,  Trump did a little redirecting of clogging streams of international flyers arriving from Europe.


    Combining unnecessarily panic producing miscommunication with utter lack of though,  the administration, amongst its other crimes of incompetence, packed huge cohorts of  covid19 spreaders intimately and persistently in contact with potential host.


    Thanks Trump.


    jollyroger's picture

    Only a fully Federally funded economy til vaccine makes sense

    The amalgam of Brix who posits a shutdown bit by be ameliorated when testing is available  (LOL)


    The WHO casting serious shade on big time natural immunity post first infection.


    A revised upwards R 0 that gets to 6 or so, which is only half as contagious as Measles in a naieve population  (Ask the Native Americans...


    The utter failure of the "gated" reopening which always mentions somewhere in there the need for testing  blah blah blah and plus they don't follow the gates anyway.


    jollyroger's picture

    Six degrees of Donald Trump

    Chris Hayes and Adam Schiff Friday night brought home the irrefutable  truth  that all appraisals of the present  situation include the casual acceptance that 50,000 are dead in two months.





    As if the losses of the entire Viet Nam war happened between Mardi Gras and Easter.

    jollyroger's picture

    46th President (wait for it....) Obama


    Yesterday Robert Costa ended his Washington Week extra by teasing Michelle Obama as a topic of VP speculation.


    The hurdle:  She loathes the prospect.


    The argument: "Michelle, your country needs you."


    Certainly her presence on the ticket would vastly enhance our chances of surviving another year or two (unlike our chances if Trump is re-elected, considering the  American carnage he has already created.(See what I did  there?)


    So how about this.  (Stay with me.)


    Thereś an answer

    Bill Gates wants to try and produce a vacine that is  95%  effective.

    That 's good enough 

    80% won t work. You can t work if   you'll only have  a 80% of  being on the 5 42. Because tn effect thatś suicide on the installment plan.

    90 % would be grand . But not if it will need 60 days. Capitalism wouldn't survive if we have to wait  that long for the next installment. .And we don t know how to survive without  capitalism .Not saying it can t be done. But that we 've haven t  yet done it .

    Which ,roughly speaking ,=s it's impossible

    The Liar Tweets Tonight

    In the White House, the Mighty White House, the Liar Tweets Tonight,



    States with no physical proximity requirements

                           April 10                      20th

    Nevada              2571                        3800

    North Dakota       293                          600

    South Dakota      528                         1140

    Nebraska             635                        1600

    Iowa                   1388                         3100

    Arkansas            1146                         1900



