The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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What is Israel Doing?

I used to watch The West Wing. In one of the very first episodes, the fictional president gets a briefing from the fictional Chairman of the Joint Chiefs in which the term “proportional response” is explained. The president is angry because terrorists shot down a military transport plane carrying someone with whom he had a personal relationship and he is ready to unleash the power of the United States military in retribution. The Chairman patiently explains that when they shoot down one of our planes, we take out a target that would be considered equitable.

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Threat Level ORANGE or Merry Christmas from NORAD: Your Tax Dollars at Work

After 9/11, the Department of Homeland Security gave us a nicely color-coded Fear Chart, so that we, the American people, would know just exactly how afraid we are. You know how Deadman was saying the other day that he uses the minute-by-minute forecast to know when to walk his dog? That’s kind of how I am with the Homeland Security Fear Chart. Because without it, I wouldn’t have any idea how scared I was.

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Rick Warren: It's only a prayer, for the love of God

Dear fellow Liberals,

Listen up.

Obama's decision to ask Rick Warren to give the invocation at the inauguration is not a slap in the face. It's not a betrayal. It's not an indication that Obama is a secret conservative who is going to force you to have babies with a non-same-sex partner.

It's a freaking prayer.

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Halcyon Days of Yore

I've been doing a lot of research into my family history lately, for this little project I'm working on. I'm following lines back into the past, trying to figure out who came over, when they came over, etc. It's interesting stuff. So interesting that I stayed up all night on Saturday, compulsively searching for more and more information. I finally fell asleep somewhere around 6 am, and when my dog woke me at 10 to go out, I got up and started searching some more. (Which is why I was so (apparently) mean to our new guest blogger Prophet on Sunday.

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Stop the Presses: Feminists to Blame for the Economic Crisis!

The other night, I was talking to a friend when she suggested that feminists were to blame for the current economic crisis. It was hyperbole, I’m certain. Although at the time I changed the subject because I was so shocked to learn that she felt that way.

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Stuff I Learned: John Adams

My reading of The American Presidency by Alan Brinkely continues. Chapter Two: John Adams. Here's what I learned...

Adams grew up in the country town of Braintree, Massachusetts. They later changed the name of the town to Quincy to disguise the fact that the uncommon intelligence of the townspeople was attributed to a tea made from the leaves of the magical tree.

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Why do doctors suck so much?

I’ve known a lot of doctors in my life. And when I say known, I mean spent five minutes in a small room with, while I explained what was wrong with me after which they made their diagnosis and got irritated when I asked my inevitable questions.

What can I say? I like to learn stuff. I’m inquisitive that way.

Orlando's picture

What are you reading?

I love books. And I love talking about books--more than politics. Actually, WAY more than politics.

Right now, I'm reading Loving Frank, by Nancy Horan. It's a fictionalized version of a love affair that Frank Lloyd Wright had with a woman he designed a house for. So far, I like it and I especially like that it happened in Oak Park, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago where Wright designed many houses. I'm not far enough into it yet to say much more than that.

Orlando's picture

Giving Thanks and Something More

No matter where each of us finds ourselves on Thanksgiving Day, we all no doubt have reasons to be thankful. I am thankful for family and friends; for my sweet dog, who found me in March; for the opportunity to work hard to bring about something that hasn't happened in my lifetime--a Democrat winning my state's electoral college votes. I am thankful for summer, for music, for the fact that Chicago is only a couple hours away. I'm thankful for the people in my life that challenge me to be better.

Orlando's picture

Stuff I Learned: George Washington

I’ve been reading the book The American Presidency this year. It’s been taking me a long time to get through because, honestly, non-fiction kind of bores me. Still, I have been learning all sorts of fun facts about our nation’s leaders, so I thought I would share some. Eleven months after I started, I'm up to James Madison. I figure if I force myself to write about the presidents, I’ll eventually finish the book. So, here we go:

George Washington – Stuff I learned:


TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Blog entryObama Bows Again! Michael Wolraich1015 years 3 months ago
Blog entry2012 and the Mayans: Apocalypse Now ... Please William K. Wolfrum2415 years 4 months ago
Blog entryBook Review: Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger Orlando215 years 4 months ago
Blog entryUN Declares Afghan Election "Credible" and Pope "Jewish" Michael Wolraich1415 years 4 months ago
Blog entryLarry vs. Jesus Christ License Plates Larry Jankens1815 years 4 months ago
Blog entryCongratulations, Deadman! Michael Wolraich1115 years 4 months ago
Blog entryFREEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM! Orlando1015 years 4 months ago
Blog entryWriter's Block Sucks Orlando1415 years 4 months ago
Blog entryModerate Democrats announce plans to hold off on passing agenda until after 2036 elections William K. Wolfrum315 years 4 months ago
Blog entryLevi Johnston Has Deep Tweets Larry Jankens415 years 4 months ago
Blog entryPersecution Politics: Beck Predicts Dollar Collapse, American Land Sold to China and Russia, Polar Bears Executed by 'Ivan' Michael Wolraich7715 years 4 months ago
Blog entrySome blasphemous free speech before UN, U.S. & Egypt decide it's a 'Misused Freedom' William K. Wolfrum2115 years 4 months ago
Blog entryPersecution Politics: Bill Kristol Says, Rage On! Michael Wolraich1015 years 4 months ago
Blog entryCongrats to Dan Mirvish, Eitan Gorlin on release of Martin Eisenstadt book William K. Wolfrum415 years 4 months ago
Blog entrySarah Palin endorses Leviticus in N.Y. House race William K. Wolfrum2315 years 4 months ago
Blog entryMartin Eisenstadt mocks me - so I leak his book William K. Wolfrum1615 years 4 months ago
Blog entryWill Obama give $1.4 million Nobel Prize to GOP so they can afford Web site? William K. Wolfrum315 years 4 months ago
Blog entryJake Tapper demands everyone apologizes for saying “Druidism is not a real religion” William K. Wolfrum2815 years 4 months ago
Blog entryOprah Winfrey kills three, injures 21 William K. Wolfrum4315 years 4 months ago
Blog entryTea Cup Piglets and Mini-Elephants Larry Jankens815 years 4 months ago
Blog entryOfficial Who Denies Interracial Marriage Lets Black People Use His Bathroom Michael Wolraich1615 years 5 months ago
Blog entryThe Heretic's Bible - Genesis 19: No rear entry Michael Wolraich2015 years 5 months ago
Blog entryPersecution Politics: Dollar Falls, Amero Looms Michael Wolraich1615 years 5 months ago
Blog entryCome on Baby Light My Ire: Jim Morrison's Ghost is Real! Larry Jankens415 years 5 months ago
Blog entryNews From the Future: Last U.S. Forces Leave Iraq Michael Wolraich515 years 5 months ago
