The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


    Judge Roy Moore.jpg

    I feel bad sometimes that I can feel so gooooooooood watching the evil fall.

    librewolf's picture

    Stratofrog Passes

    Dear Friends and Acquaintances, My partner of 20 + years and spouse, Kelly (aka Stratofrog), finally laid down her burdens early this morning at 2:30am. She went through an heroic end on her own terms after fighting a brief but bitter battle with an inoperable brain cancer. She shared her love and warmth with many and those who called her friend almost always formed a deep and lasting bond. She loved the best in each of us without judgment.

    Kelly was a musician, poet, and artist and what she loved the most was her family and most particularly, her children Josh and Cory. She will be missed but not forgotten as she has left her imprint on our hearts.

    Many of you already expressed beautiful sentiments in my earlier post and I shared them all with her several times. To say she was touched would be an understatement.

    Richard Day's picture



    Right now I think there is hope.

    These 'nothing elections' just demonstrated that they are indeed, 'something elections'.

    We currently have a buffoon as President of the United States of America.


    Of Donna,the DNC and the usual suspects

    5.7      9.8

    5.8      9.1

    5.7      8.3

    5.3      8.0

    4.7      6.6

    4.6      5.7

    5.0      4.9

    5.2      4.8

    "Now what? "You say. "What are these numbers Flavius has inflicted us?"

    Okay, okay. If you suspend for a moment the ever popular pursuit of blaming the DNC, or Bernie, Or Comey's last minute pursuit of a Manhattan pervert (tautological?). I'll explain.

    They're unemployment %s. Left column George W's annual numbers for his eight years. Right, Obama's

    stillidealistic's picture

    Cultural Appropriation

    Hi, Guys! Stilli, here.

    I've known many of you for nearly 10 years. You've been my mentors in my political transformation from long time conservative Republican, voting for Barack Obama, to liberal Democrat. Remember the old TPM days when we'd stay up until the wee hours of the morning debating everything under the sun?

    I know I haven't been around much lately, at least not commenting, but I pop in and read a bit now and then.

    Don't impeach Trump

    We should make sure he is dealing with a democratic congress for his last two years. That's up to us.

    But impeachment is wrong  in principle-the person whom most of the people chose should serve and  if -as this time- that's not the case change the system. By a defect in the laws Trump occupies Hillary's office, so be it. It should be only 4 years, That's up to us.

    Orlando's picture

    When You're Famous, They Let You Get Away with It

    I find myself feeling pity for the men whose worlds are crashing down as a result of a flood of sexual harassment accusations.

    Surprised? Me, too, but stick with me for a second...

    Their behavior toward women is disgusting, violating, unacceptable, and it is right and good that this behavior is finally seeing the light of day. But every woman I know has faced harassment. Every. Woman. I know.

    Reforming Weinstein's Hollywood

    Former movie producer Harvey Weinstein is a serial sexual harasser, exercises zero anger management, and abuses nearly everybody with whom he has contact. He is one among a number of powerful, or once powerful, Hollywood men who share some or all of these behaviors and characteristics. Trying to avoid the rapists, gropers, and grinders is, therefore, a very serious dilemma for women in the entertainment industry. Sadly, it’s not the only one.

    The Clinton Double Standard?

    Branko Marcetic has a strong piece at the Jacobin called the Clinton Double Standard. He argues that liberals have given the Clintons a pass for harassing behavior that is not dissimilar to what Harvey Weinstein, Bill O'Reilly, and other are alleged to have done. What makes the article especially trenchant is that Marcetic provides an out for pro-Clinton liberals.

    "The question is"

    said Alice "whether you can make words mean so many different things". "The question is " said Humpty Dumpty " which is to be master-that's all."

    Another question is  how many members of the National Rapid Fire Murderous Weapon Association actually have the slightest desire to pull of the trigger of one. As opposed to those who want to show "which is to be master-that's all"..

    But in the spirit of outreach and good fellowship which I go on and on about at interminable length at every opportunity I have a modest suggestion. 

    Trump's VOICE: Open it to Gun Massacre Victims

    The VOICE program serves the needs of Americans harmed by "illegal aliens." It was set up as part of Trump's plan to Make America Great Again. It does not serve victims of mass casualty events perpetrated by citizens.

    Pawns in the Game

    While watching the documentary Don’t Look Back about Bob Dylan’s 1965 tour of England, I was struck, as so many others have been, by the dichotomy between Dylan the young man and Dylan the artist. As a man, he comes across as immature, petulant, and sometimes downright nasty. As an artist, his musical genius shines through every guitar strum, harmonica chord, and whiny nasally sung note. In one uncomfortable hotel room scene, Dylan wields his multifarious talents - he’s a master songwriter, lyricist, guitar player, and troubador - as weapons against the outclassed Donovan. But Dylan also evinces humanity, humility, and empathy in his public performances.

    Richard Day's picture


    refer to caption


    There were those who took offense to Tim Tebow.

    There was this football team who seemed to lose constantly and TT came along and served the team well.


      If I  had adolescents in the house I'd make sure they didn't see me reading Dagblog. A bad example.

    The slanging match between Hal and a cohort of his opponents is wrong and should stop. It's not "robust" it's beneath us. Hal put his money where his mouth was-went to New Hampshire to try to help Bernie. Fine. That's what we should all do,chose the least undesirable candidate and work for her/him. Afterwards he voted for Hill, as did Bernie. Since then he's gone on a bit to much for my taste but IMHO that's because he's embittered by the violence with which he's attacked.

    CVille Dem's picture

    Bernie to Republicans, "You're Welcome"

    Monday on CNN, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will host a town hall on health care:

    Patty Murray, a Democrat who had been working on a bipartisan committee with Lamar Alexander, was not asked to participate.  She is well-regarded by most, and has had a clear head and a clear objective (fixing and expanding Obamacare) in order to serve more people.  

    librewolf's picture

    For the Friends of Stratofrog

    There are many here who likely remember Stratofrog from TPM days. Some have kept in touch. I bring sad news that Stratofrog has a glioblastoma - an aggressive cancer of the brain. Diagnosed 2 weeks ago today, symptomatic for about 6 weeks, it is estimated that she has only a few weeks to live.

    She is handling this with tremendous grace and strength, with love at the top of her priorities. She sends out an embrace to all her friends, including those who are in the circle of never seen but gladly met.

    On The Lecture Circuit

    Here's what I know about the lecture circuit from being a part of it back in 82. I was a salaried employee, which in that world meant I was a step above the people who got paid an hourly wage, in a mid level national computer company. When my team got sent out to Indianapolis or Colorado Springs we were on an expense account. We didn't stay at Trump Towers quality hotels but we sure didn't get put up at a Motel 6. We didn't eat at diners. The company paid for fancy restaurants. I still remember the coconut breaded shrimp, the lobster, the filet mignon. I'm not talking about Red Lobster or Olive Gardens. We went to quality restaurants that I haven't been able to afford since.

    jollyroger's picture

    Remember September 26. 1983? Coulda' been your last day.

    In case you missed it, the world almost ended that day, because Soviet satellites misreading sunlight  reflected from clouds for missile afterglow triggered a system call for a retaliatory launch.

    Without peradventure, we all owe to the (truly lamented) S. Petrov, our good times from the cited date on..

    I was thinking of George Steinbrenner

    tonight,  I used to escape from the Cross  Bronx onto the GW at 8 something in the  morning.   Back when  Steinbrenner used to fire Billy Martin every  other weekend;  Or so it seemed, What did Reggie say? "One's a liar and the other's convicted?" Something like that.

    After one of those G &B  ( I started to write S&M and thought " No") reconciliations the Y's  had the clever idea of using the enormous bill board looking down on the bridge from the Palisades: Photo of Martin from behind in uniform:  caption underneath:

    VP Mike Pence has Lost His Innocence

    Vice-President Mike Pence on the tragic deaths revealed today of 8 nursing home residents in a private nursing home in Florida, when the facility exceeded legal temperatures due to the loss of effective air conditioning:


    Congressman Mike Pence (R-Indiana) on the family that requested voluntary removal of life support apparatus and subsequent passing of irreversibly brain damaged Terri Shiavo in 2005:

    Washington, Apr 1 - 2005:

    "I grieve with the Schindler family and millions of Americans at the death of their precious daughter, Terri Schiavo. With her death, America lost not only a precious citizen, America lost its innocence.

    "Although Terri Schiavo's life may be over, the debate over the rights of incapacitated Americans is not over. Congress must right this wrong by ensuring that incapacitated Americans may not be deprived of their inalienable right to life without the assurance of the due process of law that our federal courts were established to protect. This will be Terri Schiavo's legacy."

    Richard Day's picture


    I swore I would not rant about Rush anymore.

    But here it is.

    Rush went on a rant about Hurricanes and the conspiracy of media with entrepreneurs to scare citizens into purchasing the necessities of life.

    jollyroger's picture


    Disclaimer:  I have   always harbored invidious fantasies of a pampered retirement courtesy of the dependency multiplier effect built into social security and the supply of twenty five year old widows with four adoptable kids likely to be found in many third world countries.


    That said, and i the spirit of sincere inquiry (ed note "yeah, right") what would be the impact upon the immigration status of a dreamer who was adopted by a citizen?


    Trump's Dream is The Wall

    He needs it. He wants it. He must have it. The Wall. How about take some hostages?

    What better ploy could he pull than after giving a kill date for DACA, then, if our government survives the plethora of deadlines on budgeting and debt,  demand the necessity of starting The Wall? Keep more of those hard workng, America loving, ambitious, pesky dreamers out! 

    Combined Wall funding DACA legislation?
