The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Danny Cardwell's picture

    Who's Really Woke?

    I wanted to share a piece I wrote about a troubling rift inside the black community.

    Richard Day's picture



    Trump is being sued.

    Trump is being sued, basically for causing a riot.

    Close defeat in Kansas

    The dem lost by about  53 to 46. In Nov the rep carried this  seat by about 30 points.

    A Path to the Maryland Governor's Mansion for Ben Jealous

    Former NAACP President Ben Jealous has indicated that he will compete for Maryland's Democratic gubernatorial nomination and the right to square off against Larry Hogan in next year's general election. Mr. Jealous faces a daunting task. In order to take on the "deeply popular" Republican, he'll have to beat a slate of other Democrats while likely facing staunch opposition from Maryland's Democratic Party. 

    Read the rest of my op-ed here.

    Chicago Cops Live Up to Their Reputation

    Bad enough that United decided to bump four seated passengers on a short hop for Chicago to Kentucky. Bad enough it was not for other passengers but for 4 United employees who United at the last minute wanted to get to Louisville fast. Even worse followed when only 3 passengers accepted offers to leave the flight.

    No, what was the worst thing about it was that a Chicago cop treated a 69 year old Asian American physician like.....well like Chicago cops treat people in Chicago every day. The Obama DOJ summed the Chicago Police Department business as usual in a report from Jan. 13, 2017:

    Contrarian's picture

    Some Splainin' To Do

    More important, this minimizes the undeniable fact that Trump's "win" was premised on explicit appeals to white nationalism and overwhelming support from white men. Needless to say, tens of millions of women, people of color, immigrants and LGBTQ, the ones whose rights are threatened, feel differently, despite the self-serving statements of the octogenarian socialist from Vermont.

    Richard Day's picture


    Minnesota Twins Insignia.svg

    We beat the Chicago White Sox today.

    We beat KC three times before all this.

    We are 4 and 0!

    Well we have another 158 games or so to prove ourselves.


    But that is not really the point.

    I could go on and on about how we never win 4 games in a row to begin a season.

    Hannah Drake's picture

    Dear Colin Kaepernick: All You Had To Do Was Play The Game, Boy.

    All you had to do was throw the ball, boy. We concealed this auction block well, didn’t we, boy? You didn’t know you were on sale, boy? Didn’t we tell you to just run, boy? Entertain us, boy. Win championships for us, boy. Stay in your place, boy. Don’t you dare get these other slaves, Black men riled up, boy. Didn’t we pay you enough, boy? Why can’t you just be satisfied, boy? Stand up and salute this flag, boy. Honor your allegiance to the system, boy. Didn’t we give you enough money to entice you, boy? How dare you reject your master, boy. Didn’t you like your name in lights, boy? Didn’t we stroke your ego, boy? All you needed to do was play the game, boy. Keep dancing for us on Monday Night, boy. Make us rich, boy. We don’t care if you get hurt, boy. Our job is to break bucks like you, boy. Didn’t you know boys like you come a dime a dozen, boy? We can replace you with no thought, boy. Make sure our new boy is a controlled boy. Thought you knew we don’t trust Negroes to be the quarterback anyway, boy. We did you a favor, boy. How dare you turn your back on us, boy. If you are kneeling, it will be before us, boy. Ain’t this game your God, boy? Don’t you see how everyone else bows down before us, boy? Don’t you know what we do to Negroes like you, boy? Back in the day, we let Negroes like you sway from the trees, boy. Make an example outta you, so other Negroes will stay in their place, boy. Don’t you smell that strange fruit in the air, boy? All you had to do was just shut up, boy. We don’t have to kill you, boy. All we have to do is silence you, boy.

    I was going to filibus......

    ...and I´m not going to yield to the gentleman from Kentucky until they drag me off the lecturn.

    It was  always fundamentally undemocratic, for most of our history shifting what should have been the rights of the majority   to a self elected coterie not usually consisting of Jimmy Steward and his 95 best friends.One could claim it´s payback for Garland but when else fails try the truth:Chuck ¨called¨  McConnell who laid down  4 aces.


    armchair guerrilla's picture

    Breaking: White man from Vermont dismisses claims of racism, sexism, homophobia, slams Democrats.

    This statement encapsulates my problems with Bernie.

    "Some people think that the people who voted for Trump are racists and sexists and homophobes and deplorable folks. I don't agree, because I've been there. Let me tell you something else some of you might not agree with, it wasn't that Donald Trump won the election, it was that the Democratic Party lost the election," Sanders said.

    Where to begin? First, it's a straw man. Nobody is saying everyone who voted for Trump is a racist, sexist, homophobe. More important, this minimizes the undeniable fact that Trump's "win" was premised on explicit appeals to white nationalism and overwhelming support from white men. Needless to say, tens of millions of women, people of color, immigrants and LGBTQ, the ones whose rights are threatened, feel differently, despite the self-serving statements of the octogenarian socialist from Vermont.

    Shovelready's picture

    Can you dig it, Suckas?

    Hey guys, new here, but I just want to tell you all that I really “dig” this blog.  Get it?  I’ve been looking for years for a place like Digblog, where smart people gather to discuss hoes.  Backhoes, that is!

    librewolf's picture

    URGENT! Protect Your Online Information and Privacy.

    Courtesy Crocktock

    On March 29, 2017, Congress repealed the broadband privacy rules that blocked providers from collecting and selling your information (name, accounts, browsing history, financial transaction, pictures, everything you touch and surf to on your computer, tablets, and in some cases phones). Clearly there are few of us who approve of this move, and it is purely in the interests of broadband providers. However, there are ways for you to fight back. Some of the information below was garnered from an excellent article by PC World - Three Privacy Tools that Block Your Internet Provider From Tracking You.

    Donald was not born great

    Nor did he achieve greatness.

    But had greatness thrust upon him.


    And he ducked.

    The Melania Trump in hiding mystery solved?

    I am watching her speak Live on CNN right now, on a serious topic. As it says at the bottom of the screen "Melania Trump Makes Rare Appearance at State Dept./First lady presenting International Women of Courage Awards".

    Though she is clearly using a prepared script, she is stumbling on some words and her accent has never sounded so heavy. Yet there is a sincerity to her delivery that it comes across that this is one issue she cares about.

    Trumpcare failed because....?

    Sure , for a mixture reasons.

    The Koch Brothers have wanted an outright repeal. End of story, And some of the Freedom Caucus presumably did too.  Maybe even because that´s what the Kochies wanted, 

    And out of  whatever personal characteristic I want to  believe- and do- that  some Republicans are simply decent people who while marching in lock step were still   nursing a secret hope their team would fail. 

    And , finally , some have the drunk the kool aid and believe the party line: That Ryancare would be an improvement. 

    CVille Dem's picture

    You Read it Here First

    If I may say so without seeming to brag, I have an uncanny ability to "read" people. When Nunez  came out of his meeting with Trump, he had a distinct look of someone trying to contain his panic. I could sense the fear on his face.  Now, there are also objective findings, such as his breaking of protocol in racing over to the White House to meet with (warn) trump.  Not to mention the scathing interview with Adam Schiff about Nunez's bizarre behavior. 

    Followup: Does anyone pay attention to the media anymore?

    In October, I wrote: "This may, but I'm not sure, have Roger Stone written all over it."

    Among other stories:

    Weird; it's like everyone is looking at Manafort, or some other random agent. It's Stone. I reiterate: it's Stone. Look there.

    Tricksters always get what's coming to them. He should have picked his role more carefully.

    librewolf's picture

    Lie Alert: Obamacare Imploding; Trumpcare the Best for Patients

    Obamacare is "imploding", "collapsing under its own weight" etc. That is, and has been, the Republican drum beat, but is it true? I would argue that the answer is a flat out "No." But, but, but, what about those 130% premium increases, providers bailing on the Exchanges, etc. Yes, there are those issues ... in states who failed to implement the ACA (Affordable Care Act) the way it was crafted to function.

    ¨ Imagine a summer evening if you please

    with music underneath the trees"

    ....begin some Noel Coward lyrics from ¨ Conversation Piece ¨  and end  


    Men and women , superbly clad ,stroll

    sip tea ,

    ¨and lightly discuss their monarch ...who is mad¨.

    More specifically, raved for 58 hours. Sound familiar?

    Like Trump. Not    ¨idiosyncratic ¨    Mad.

    I don´t use these terms  casually -a family member  is institutionalized- but soon for his own sake and that

    of the country Trump must be stripped of his authority.

    No Mr. Trump, the Ruling Makes Us Look Strong

    America is strong, and the Constitution cannot be usurped by an ignorant racist buffoon like yourself and your advisors. You make America weak by attacking our courts, this court ruling shows our strength. You would seek to illicitly project your weakness as national weakness. That is a contemptible fabrication.

    Richard Day's picture


    Original movie poster for Being There.jpg

    I recently read an article at the Daily Beast entitled:

    Being There Is The Trump Bible.

    jollyroger's picture

    Obama to Trump: "Retract or pay, punk!"

    It is libel per se to charge as Trump has, regardless of the actual non-impact on Obama's reputation or employment prospects.


    I concede that it is foreign to his nature, but there is a universe in which Obama throws down and puts that fat fuck in the box he deserves.


    I'm not even sure that on analysis, I concede that the downsides render it strategically unsound.


    Pericles, please, talk me out of this.



    Sometimes Trump ´s right department

    ¨While Panasonic is the world ´s largest supplier of electric vehicle batteries globally, China ´s BYD and  CATL were just behind , according to figures collated by Bernstein ,the research group...............

    In 2015 in the eastern Chinese city of Nanjing,South Korea ´s LG  Chem opened a battery factory. The same year Samsung SDI followed suit. opening a plant in Xian in central  China and declaring that it would "forge  its foothold in the world'ś biggest  new energy vehicle market ¨. 

    Natasha Gural's picture

    Fellow Americans: Please Freeze the Cold War Rhetoric

    It's offensive and regrettable to hear Democratic politicians blame "the Russians" for Putin's crimes against humanity. The Russian people are not to blame, and, are in fact, among his most direct victims.

    This inappropriate Cold War rhetoric reeks of what I had hoped was a bitter, retrograde and bygone era in American discourse. While I understand the desire to criticize, even despise, Trump and Putin, there is nothing progressive about blaming "the Russians." This thoughtless language will only widen the rift that is damaging our country.

    Trump Administration, Cyprus & Putin Billionaires

    Trump's fantastic real estate deal in 2006 with Russian billionaire  Dmitry Rybolovlev:

    “Maison de l’Amitie,” or the House of Friendship. It was the trophy of a Boston-area magnate, until he lost his fortune in 2004. That’s when Donald Trump scooped it up. After paying $41 million for the place in November 2004, Trump called it “the finest piece of land in Florida, and probably the U.S.” ......Trump had no intention of living there. He intended to flip it for a quick—and huge—profit. His initial asking price, less than two years after buying it, was $125 million. By the time Trump listed the property, in early 2006, the real estate market was already cooling off.... In the summer of 2008, Trump found a solution to his problem in the form of one of the world’s hundred richest men: a 41-year-old Russian billionaire named Dmitry Rybolovlev....
